Played a game with this list versus Grey Knights. The ATC mission system requires getting used to and there are things that I would now do differently. However, I played a draw (winning on kp, drawing bases and losing loot counters) and was pretty happy with the concept. The list just lacked anti-infantry firepower. I might just end up taking fireknives, but I'm going to try out a burstcannon+missilepod+multitracker configuration, because that allows me to take the full 9 crisis suits and upgrade my shasel with some actual weapons. This list should deal with infantry a lot better, at 18'' but even at 36''.
A lot of players swear by 'quantity over quality' on anti-infantry firepower, and this list will try whether that holds true with Tau. I also decided to try more kroot instead of the second firewarrior squad. I am unsure which option would be better, but I'll give the kroot a spin.
Shas'el with airbursting fragmentation projector, target lock, positional relay, bonding knife @ 95pts.
3 Crisis suits with burst cannons, missile pods and multi-trackers @ 150pts.
3 Crisis suits with burst cannons, missile pods and multi-trackers @ 150pts.
3 Crisis suits with burst cannons, missile pods and multi-trackers @ 150pts.
6 Firewarriors @ 60pts.
Devilfish with disruption pods @ 85pts.
10 Kroot Carnivores @ 70pts.
10 Kroot Carnivores @ 70pts.
10 Kroot Carnivores @ 70pts.
3 Broadsides with advanced stabilisation systems, leader with 2 shield drones, bonding knife and hard-wired target lock @ 285pts.
3 Broadsides with advanced stabilisation systems, leader with 2 shield drones, bonding knife and hard-wired target lock @ 285pts.
3 Broadsides with advanced stabilisation systems, leader with 2 shield drones, bonding knife and hard-wired target lock @ 285pts.
Total @ 1750pts.
ReplyDeleteI just came accross your blog by chance, and it's nice to find another Tau player. Unfortunately I have not been playing my Tau lately due to going back to my Dark Eldar since they got a new codex.
I used to use a broadside unit such as yours (I didn't bother with the bonding knife) and it was very effective. However not having any hammerheads hampers your ability to contest objectives and makes your crisis suits and devilfish first targets for your enemies anti tank.
With that said I think drones would be nice on the crisis suits to take the first krak missile and lascannon shots.
I also think at least one unit of plasma armed crisis suits is useful for for feel no pain enemy units and terminators. I used to use 2 fireknifes (plasma.missile) and one squad of missile/burst suits, however with you having so may broadsides 1 plasma/missile and 2 missile/burst would work well.
Overall I think's it's an effective list, but more static than the usual Tau list. Although the 9 broadsides are scary if I was your opponent I'd concentrate on the crisis suits first (as broadsides with shield drones are very hard to destroy from shooting, unless you have loads of lascannons). With the crisis suits gone I think you may find it hard to shift enemy troops off objectives. For example, after the tanks are dead, those 855pts of broadsides will kill (on verage) less than 3 (2.8) infantry a turn if they are in cover.
PS. What's your thoughts behind the positional relay ? outflank the kroot ?
PPS. Why the bonding knife on the shas'el, who's he going to join to make it useful (ie. it useless if he joins crisis suits) ?
Thx for the lengthy comment.
ReplyDeleteHere's the basic game plan: Tau go second, deploy shasel+broadsides without bonding knife and the 2 other broadsides in one corner, reserve the rest. T2 bring some kroot and join the shasel to buff ld. t3 either kroot out of los or a squad of crisis suits. T4 everything on a 2+.
The idea with the relay is to minimize my killpoints early on and start bringing them up against a weakened opponent. Armies such as GK and vanilla marines place a lot of long-ranged firepower into vehicles, and this list destroys those vehicles t1-2 and then brings on the rest for mop up. It's just another tool in the toolbox, but I've found it very effective.
I'm glad you interpreted the list as a static gunline, that means when I hand my opponent the list at a tournament he will think so too and possibly be very surprised when I reserve 80%.
Great list, I like these army types with some thought and planning behind them. You had fewer Broadsides in Turku last year but even those two squads in cover drove me crazy.
ReplyDeleteDespite two Kroot squads I have the models as well, perhaps I need to take a new look at Tau some point soon. Thanks for the inspiration...
Thx for reading!