Alright, so this is the second part of my ponderings on whether webway portals make good builds. Yesterday I talked about a full portal list, today I'm going to talk about hybrid lists, that don't completely rely on reserving and coming through a portal.
An example of this kind of a build might be a gunline army (Loads of lances and splinter cannons) that utilises a webway portal and reaver jetbikes with heatlances. Deploy the portal in the centre of the board, and project a threat area for any tanks your opponent might have. A pretty good way of reinforcing your own midfield presence.
Haemonculus @ 50pts.
5 Trueborn with 3 blasters, 2 dark lances @ 155pts.
Venom with 2x splinter cannons @ 65pts.
5 Trueborn with 3 blasters, 2 dark lances @ 155pts.
Venom with 2x splinter cannons @ 65pts.
3 Trueborn with 2 dark lances @ 86pts.
Venom with 2x splinter cannons @ 65pts.
3 Wracks @ 30pts.
Venom with 2x splinter cannons @ 65pts.
3 Wracks @ 30pts.
Venom with 2x splinter cannons @ 65pts.
3 Wracks @ 30pts.
Venom with 2x splinter cannons @ 65pts.
3 Wracks @ 30pts.
Venom with 2x splinter cannons @ 65pts.
3 Wracks @ 30pts.
Venom with 2x splinter cannons @ 65pts.
3 Wracks @ 30pts.
Venom with 2x splinter cannons @ 65pts.
3 Reavers with 1 heatlance @ 78pts.
3 Reavers with 1 heatlance @ 78pts.
3 Reavers with 1 heatlance @ 78pts.
Ravager @ 105pts.
Ravager @ 105pts.
Ravager @ 105pts.
Total @ 1730pts.
The 3-man reaver units aren't the most reliable, but they will force your opponent to react to the portal, and should provide some sort of push back effect.
On the other hand, a hybrid list might include CC elements coming from the portal. Especially CC units with a large threat range (such as hellions or beastpacks) are very good at this. The effect is similar to that of the reavers in the list above, but instead of threatening tanks with melta, the CC units are providing some counter-punch into the list.
What makes a hybrid list better then a list without a webway portal? Well, it adds further kinds threats, and utilises the concept of 'a ship in port' (I actually read this name off DakkaDakka). You are threatening your opponent with a unit he/she cannot destroy. If played well this can be very effective. Opening up a new front for reserves is something that shouldn't be overlooked.
What makes the hybrid list better then a full portal list? This might be down to preference, but I find a full portal list gimmicky, or a one-trick pony. A hybrid list has more tactical options and generally tries to take strong points from both ends and bring them into one list. The key is to utilise the portal enough to make it worth the points, but not place too much units in reserve (serving a nice portion of your army on the platter with loads of killpoints).
So, there are some of my thoughts on webway portals utilised in a hybrid build. Go ahead and give your own opinion on the topic.
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