All the lists I've made, and most that I have seen on the internet, tend to try to win the game in one phase of the game. There are no half measures. Is this the way Dark Eldar should be played? The benefit is focus, the drawback is RPS-syndrome. What happens when your venom spam comes up against post-FAQ deathwing? What happens when your raider-rush crashes into something that can defeat it in CC? This is my attempt at a more balanced list. It has ok CC elements, and pretty good firepower. Give me some feedback!
3 Haemonculi with shattershard, 2 liquifier guns @ 185pts.
5 Incubi with klavex in Venom with 2x cannons @ 190pts.
4 Trueborn with 4 blasters in Venom with 2x cannons @ 146pts.
4 Trueborn with 4 blasters in Venom with 2x cannons @ 146pts.
3 Wracks in Venom with 2x cannons @ 95pts.
3 Wracks in Venom with 2x cannons @ 95pts.
7 Wyches with haywire grenades incl. hekatrix with agoniser in Raider @ 174pts.
7 Wyches with haywire grenades incl. hekatrix with agoniser in Raider @ 174pts.
7 Wyches with haywire grenades incl. hekatrix with agoniser in Raider @ 174pts.
Ravager @ 105pts.
Ravager @ 105pts.
Ravager @ 105pts.
Total @ 1748pts.
I have found the hybrid approach, with close combat and shooting in the list, has worked well for me.
ReplyDeleteHow about trying a full unit of wracks in a raider. If you dropped one haemonculus you could change one wych squad to 10 wracks with 2 liquifier guns and an acothyst in a riader (190 pts). You even have pts to increase the other wych squads sizes.
One quick note that the trueborn have the pts cost for a unit of three.
Thx. I have been thinking about wracks as an alternative, but the 4++/fnp and haywire grenades on the wyches just win me over in the end. I might still try some wracks.