FtW Bloggers Group

Tuesday, 30 July 2013

Mathhammer and reality; Effects on listbuilding

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Mathhammer is a tool often used to evaluate in game decisions and unit choices. Although crunching numbers is relatively easy in-game, where you know the exact situation and variables, mathhammering during your listbuilding process is often viewed as equally productive. However, simple choices such as the positioning of your models can completely change around the expected outcome (this is especially true in close combats, where having to charge through cover or get singled out into a challenge can make all the difference). I'm going to spill out some thoughts in no relevant order on this very topic.

Mathhammer and listbuilding most often coincide with netlists. These sorts of lists have been built using the theoretically most powerful and cost efficient units in a given codex, maxed out. This will give the list builder the impression that his list will have the highest probability of success. In my experience, these lists often rely on certain factors going their way. The mathhammer has been calculated expecting certain variables. Not only this, but the lack of diversity means that there is a lack of diversity in the threats you'llbe facing. A more uncoventional list will most likely include choices that are not the most cost efficient choice on paper, inclining that the listbuilder has not been solely (or even primarily) relying on mathhammer. Netlists are often more one-dimensional.

What does this mean? As an opponent, you have a clear idea of how that netlist is going to try to win. I've often read on the internet of evaluating your opponent's most likely path to victory and countering it (I think I first read this on 3++). With a spammed out list, this is easier. There are few netlists that are truly flexible. The units it spams may be multipurpose and effective in more than one phase of the game, but they are still the same unit, with the same characteristics.

Once we begin to consider how we are going to counter our opponent's path to victory, it is equally important that your own list has more than one way to play the game. 40k has at times been called a game of rock paper scissors as different spam lists duke it out and hope to come out on top in the round pairings. This is because the less different choices you have, the less variables you control as you are restricted to a certain type of play. Differing deployment options, range bands and mobility will dilute your list in a certain field, but allow you more avenues to take over the course of the game. This is especially true now that 40k is primarily a shooting game. Take away 2 turns of your opponent's shooting and the expected amount of damage he will deal over the course of the game reduces drastically. With more units left towards the end of the game, you may be left with more options to contest, control or saturate certain parts of the battlefield.

Although I feel that theoretically a less spammed out list is better than copy paste, we have to remember there are way more factors when it comes to list building. Some playstyles lend in to aggressive dominance of a certain phase, it's really more about what kind of a player you are. However, it is important not to be blinded by mathhammer both when building your own, and evaluating your opponents' lists. There are many variables that can turn the tables, synergies that may not reveal themselves at first glance.

Monday, 29 July 2013

Ropecon 2013 tournament

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 This weekend's 4-round tournament is behind us and I snatched a couple of pictures from it. Here's a brief recap. I played my sm/tau. Attack bikes, some ordnance, a broadside bomb with ninja commander and a riptide.

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Round 1 was against a fairly new player. He was playing tau with some deep striking crisis suits, a riptide, longstrike and a lot of fire warriors. We were playing Big guns never tire and he got first turn. It ended on t5, he had his suit commander left. 13-0 victory.

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Round 2 was against Roni. He had just whooped our Captain's nids with his Crons. Double wraiths with d-lords, 4 scyhtes, 2 a-barges, bastion and some immortals to camp the comms. We were playing purge the alien with vanguard strike. Turkhey shoot, although he got first turn. My broadsides picked a target and destroyed it. T1 it was slay the warlord, first blood and 2 killpoints from one wraith squad. Then the second squad, 2 scythes, a-barges and the last scythes. The deployment allowed me to just shoot everything. I think I won 11-5.

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Round 3 was against ovv and his Tau. Suit commander with crisis suits forming a markerlight/ignores covers squad, broadsides in bastion, 2 skyrays, 2 riptides, 2 devilfish but very light on troops. It was emperor's will and relic. He won the roll of to go first and I was back to camping in a corner :D. T1 he got one attack bike squad (broadsides were out of markerlight and thus ignores cover range). I reacted by destroying both devilfish and all but 1 of the 12 fire warriors inside. Next ovv would shoot my broadsides and riptide but I would react by killing the fire warriors ontop of his bastion (suit commander + hb attack bikes ftw). The most epic moment was when my multimeltas exploded his bastion, killing the broadsides inside!!!! I had been very slow with my deployment and the game ended on t4. I should have checked ranges to the objectives the turn before but since I hadn't I didn't make it to either of the emperor's will markers. Tau win with first blood 2-1.

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Final round was against Antti and his Necrons. Crusade with 5 objectives was the worst mission for me. Antti played it very well, giving me little targets until t4 when his flyers came on and nuked my troops. Silly me was too preoccupied with keeping my characters in the broadside bomb, fearing the wraith, when they should have been tanking/giving ld to my troops. My large kroots also came on the wrong side of the board despite rerolls and were left in the breeze behing Antti's entire army (the game had turned from vanguard strike into hammer and anvil at some point). When I contested objectives on t5, I had to shoot one warrior squad off of an objective. Cryptek stood back up and the game was a tie. Secondaries for me, one objective for Antti, 3-3.

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So overall I came in at 10/38. Still alright but I'm kinda dissappointed with the mistakes I made day 2. Not to take anything away from my opponents, but I shouldn't be making careless mistakes. Ofcourse 2 tight games and 2 major victories would have been better at a battlepoint event or the etc. Ropecon had victory points as a tie breaker but was WDL.

Finally, our team's necron player, Frenzy, had worked up his space sharks for ropecon and they were looking great. Had to use a flash so it doesn't give credit to the painting, but look at that display board!

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Thursday, 25 July 2013

Final preparations for 40k tournament and Ropecon 2013

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Since my workday only lasted 3 minutes today, I was left with plenty of time to go home and finish my SM/TAU. My apartment has been invaded by piles of minis for the last couple of weeks (that's actually a lie, my apartment is always filled with miniatures :D). As often is the case, I've been working hard to get comissions out of the way and was left with little time for my own minis, having to cut some corners. Overall, the army isn't bad. I might come back to some things once the new sm book comes out (or after the etc).

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The Broadisde bomb

I'm really looking forward to the weekend. Ropecon is a chance to meet up with a lot of my friends (not only wargamers but other kinds of nerds aswell). The tournament is a last chance to practice with my etc list in a tourney setting (although I think we're having one more training weekend before flying off to Serbia). Ropecon is also a real melting pot for gamers and hobbyists. there are some real eye candy armies in the tournaments. I've heard that Frenzy from over at Warhead has completed his Space Sharks, which will be awesome to see, and a long time FB player who paints really pretty armies has worked up an IG project. I'm sure there'll be lots of other armies to look forward to (sorry Joonas, not yours).

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Attack bikes, maxed out. Including one that is older than I am.

Everybody have a nice weekend!

Wednesday, 3 July 2013

ETC 2013 list: SM/TAU

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I just don't seem to have the time to update this blog frequently. considering just bringing it down but I do enjoy writing posts every now and then.

Anyhow, here is my list for the ETC:

PLAYER6: Aleksi "notepad" Lehtiö

HQ1 WARLORD : Librarian (100) Bolt Pistol (0) Space Marine bike (35) Artificier Armour (20) Null Zone (0) Gate of Infinity (0) Force Axe (0) [155]
TROOP1: 5 Scouts (75) Sniper Rifles (0) [75]
TROOP2: 5 Scouts (75) Sniper Rifles (0) [75]
FA1: 3 Attack Bikes (3*40) 3 Multi-Melta (3*10) [150]
FA2: 3 Attack Bikes (3*40) 3 Multi-Melta (3*10) [150]
FA3: 3 Attack Bikes (3*40) [120]
HS1: 1 Thunderfire cannon [100]
HS2: 1 Whirlwind [85]
HQ1: Commander (85) XV8-02 Crisis "Iridium" Battlesuit (25) Puretide Engram Neurochip (15) Vectored retro-thrusters (5) Command and Control Node (15) Multi-spectrum Sensor Suite (20) [165]
Elite1: XV104 Riptide (180) Ion Accelerator (5) Twin-linked Smart Missile System (0) Early Warning Override (5) Stimulant Injector (35) [225]
Troop1: Kroot Carnivore Squad (60) 7 Additional Kroots (7*6) 17 Sniper Rounds (17*1) 1 Kroot Hound (5) [124]
Troop2: Kroot Carnivore Squad (60) 1 Kroot Hound (5) [65]
Fast1: Pathfinder Team (44) 3 Additional Pathfinders (3*11) [77]
Heavy1: XV8 Broadside Team (65) 2 additional Broadside Shas'ui (2*65) 3 Twin-linked High Yield Missiles (3*0) 3 Twin-linked Smart Missile Systems (3*0)
3 Target Locks (3*5) 6 Missile Drones (6*12) [282]
TOTAL: [1848]

And for those interested, here is the rest of Team Finland:

PLAYER 1: Jouni "Jouni" Haavisto (C)
HQ1 WARLORD : Hive Tyrant (170) paroxysm (0) leech essence (0) 2 twin-linked devourers with brainleech worms (2*15) Armoured Shell (40) Old Adversary (25) [265]
HQ2 : Swarm Lord [280]
HQ1.1 : Tyrant Guard [60]
HQ2.1 : Tyrant Guard [60]
Elite1 : 3 Hive Guard (3*50) [150]
Elite2 : The Doom of Malan'tai [90] IN TRANSPORT 1
Troop1 : 10 Termagants (10*5) [50]
Troop2 : 10 Termagants (10*5) [50]
Troop3 : Tervigon (160) stinger salvo (0) adrenaline glands (10) toxin sacs (10) catalyst (15) [195]
Troop4 : Tervigon (160) stinger salvo (0) toxin sacs (10) catalyst (15) [185]
Fast1 : 20 Gargoyles (20*6) toxin sacs (20*1) [140]
Heavy1 : Biovore [45]
Heavy2 : Trygon (200) Trygon Prime Upgrade (40) [240]
Transport1 : Mycetic Spore (40) [40] Elite2
TOTAL : [1850]


PLAYER2 : Joonas "läski" Neva
HQ1 WARLORD : Ethereal (50) [50]
Elite1: XV104 Riptide (180) Ion Accelerator (5) Twin-linked Smart Missile System (0) Early Warning Override (5) Counter Defence System (5) [195]
Elite2: XV104 Riptide (180) Heavy Burst Cannon (0) Fusion Blaster (0) Early Warning Override (5) Counter Defence System (5) [190]
Elite3: XV104 Riptide (180) Heavy Burst Cannon (0) Fusion Blaster (0) Early Warning Override (5) Counter Defence System (5) [190]
Troop1: Kroot Carnivore Squad (60) 1 Kroot Hound (5) [65]
Troop2: Kroot Carnivore Squad (60) [60]
Troop3: Kroot Carnivore Squad (60) [60]
Troop4: Kroot Carnivore Squad (60) [60]
Troop5: Kroot Carnivore Squad (60) [60]
Troop6: Kroot Carnivore Squad (60) [60]
Fast1: Pathfinder Team (44) 2 Additional Pathfinders (2*11) [66]
Fast2: Pathfinder Team (44) 2 Additional Pathfinders (2*11) [66]
Fast3: Pathfinder Team (44) 2 Additional Pathfinders (2*11) [66]
Heavy1: XV8 Broadside Team (65) 2 additional Broadside Shas'ui (2*65) 3 Twin-linked High Yield Missiles (3*0) 3 Twin-linked Smart Missile Systems (3*0) 1 Target Lock (5) 1 Marker Drone (12) [212]
Heavy2: XV8 Broadside Team (65) 2 additional Broadside Shas'ui (2*65) 3 Twin-linked High Yield Missiles (3*0) 3 Twin-linked Smart Missile Systems (3*0) 1 Target Lock (5) [200]
Heavy3: XV8 Broadside Team (65) 2 additional Broadside Shas'ui (2*65) 3 Twin-linked High Yield Missiles (3*0) 3 Twin-linked Smart Missile Systems (3*0) 1 Target Lock (5) [200]
Fortification1: Aegis Defence Line (50) [50]
Total: 1850


PLAYER3 : Miika "Drilling Manager" Kalliokari
HQ1: Baron Sathonyx [105]
ELITE1: 3 True Born (3*12), Blaster (15) in Transport 1 [51]
TROOP1: 5 Wyches (5*10) Haywire grenades (5*2) in Transport 2 [60]
TROOP2: 5 Wyches (5*10) Haywire grenades (5*2) in Transport 3 [60]
TROOP3: 5 Kabalite Warriors (5*9) Blaster (15) in Transport 4 [60]
TROOP4: 5 Kabalite Warriors (5*9) Blaster (15) in Transport 5 [60]
TROOP5: 5 Kabalite Warriors (5*9) Blaster (15) in Transport 6 [60]
TROOP6: 5 Kabalite Warriors (5*9) Blaster (15) in Transport 7 [60]
FAST1: 3 Beast Masters (3*12) 5 khymerae (5*12), 4 razor wing flock (4*15) [156]
HEAVY1: Ravager (105) Night Shield (10) [115]
HEAVY2: Ravager (105) Night Shield (10) [115]
HEAVY3: Ravager (105) Night Shield (10) [115]
TRANSPORT1: Venom (55), additional splintercannon (10) Night Shield (10) [75]
TRANSPORT2: Venom (55), additional splintercannon (10) Night Shield (10) [75]
TRANSPORT3: Venom (55), additional splintercannon (10) Night Shield (10) [75]
TRANSPORT4: Venom (55), additional splintercannon (10) Night Shield (10) [75]
TRANSPORT5: Venom (55), additional splintercannon (10) Night Shield (10) [75]
TRANSPORT6: Venom (55), additional splintercannon (10) Night Shield (10) [75]
TRANSPORT7: Venom (55), additional splintercannon (10) Night Shield (10) [75]
HQ1: Farseer (55), eldar jetbike (30), runes of warding (15), doom (25) [125]
TROOP1: 3 Guardian jetbike squadron (3*22) [66]
HEAVY1: Night Spinner [115]
Total = [1848]


PLAYER4 : Eetu "Muro" Peltola
HQ 1 WARLORD : Coteaz (100) [100]
Troop 1: Strike squad (100) 5 additional Grey Knight (5*20) 2 Psycannon (2*10) Psybolt ammunition (20) [240]
Troop 2: Strike squad (100) 5 additional Grey Knight (5*20) 2 Psycannon (2*10) Psybolt ammunition (20) [240]
HS 1: Nemesis Dreadknight (130) Heavy Incinerator (30) [160]
HS 2: Nemesis Dreadknight (130) Heavy Incinerator (30) [160]
HS 3: Nemesis Dreadknight (130) Heavy Incinerator (30) [160]
Secondary Detachment: Necrons
HQ 1: Destroyer Lord (125) mindshackle scarabs (20) Sempiternal weave (15) [160]
Troop 1: 5 Necron Warriors (5*13) [65] (in transport 1)
Troop 2: 5 Necron Warriors (5*13) [65] (in transport 2)
Fast 1: 6 Wraiths (6*35) [210]
Heavy 1: Annihilation Barge (90) Tesla cannon (0) [90]
Transport 1: Night Scythe [100]
Transport 2: Night Scythe [100]
Total: [1850]


PLAYER 5 : Teemu "Frenzy" Valve
HQ 1 WARLORD : Imotekh the Stormlord [225]
HQ 2: Cryptek (25), Harbinger of Eternity (0), Chronometron (15) [40]
HQ 3: Destroyer Lord (125), Sempiternal Weave (15), Mindshackle Scarabs (20) [160]
TROOP 1: 5 Necron Immortals (85), Tesla Carbines (0) [85]
TROOP 2: 5 Necron Immortals (85), Tesla Carbines (0) [85]
TROOP 3: 5 Necron Warriors [65]
TROOP 5: 5 Necron Warriors [65]
FAST 1: 6 Canoptek Wraiths (6*35), Whip coil (10) [220]
FAST 2: 6 Canoptek Wraiths (6*35) [210]
FAST 3: 10 Canoptek Scarabs (10*15) [150]
HEAVY 1: Annihilation Barge [90]
HEAVY 2: Annihilation Barge [90]
HEAVY 3: 3 Canoptek Spyders (3*50), Gloom Prism (15) [165]
TRANSPORT 1: Night Scythe, transporting TROOP 3 [100]
TRANSPORT 2: Night Scythe, transporting TROOP 4 [100]
Total [1850]


PLAYER7 : Jukka "Tukka-Jukka" Halme
HQ1 WARLORD : Chaos lord (65), mark of Khorne(10), axe of blind fury(35), close combat weapon (0), juggernaut of Khorne(35), sigil of corruption(25), Veterans of the long war (5) [175]
Troop1: 10 Cultists (50), 1 autogun (1) [51]
Troop2: 10 Cultists [50]
Troop3: 10 Cultists [50]
FA1: Heldrake (170), baleflamer(0) [170]
FA2: Heldrake (170), baleflamer(0) [170]
FA3: Chaos spawn(30), 3 additional spawn (3*30) [120]
HS1: 3 Obliterator (3*70), mark of Nurgle (3*6) [228]
HS2: 3 Obliterator (3*70), mark of Nurgle (3*6) [228]
HS3: 3 Obliterator (3*70), mark of Nurgle (3*6) [228]
Secondary detachments: Orks
HQ1: Warboss (60), mega armour (40), Cyborg body (10), Bosspole(5) [115]
Troop1: 4 Mega Nobs (4*40) [160]
HS1: Battlewagon (90), Red paint job (5), Reinforced ram (5), Big shoota (5) [105]
Total: 1850


PLAYER 8: Henri "MIES" Simelius
HQ1 WARLORD : Company Command Squad (50) 3 Meltaguns (3*10) [80]
Troop1: Veteran Squad (70) 3 Flamers (3*5) [85]
Troop2: Veteran Squad (70) 3 Flamers (3*5) [85]
Fast1: Vendetta Gunship (130) Heavy Bolters (10) [140]
Fast2: Vendetta Gunship (130) Heavy Bolters (10) [140]
Fast3: Vendetta Gunship (130) Heavy Bolters (10) [140]
HQ1: Coteaz [100]
Troop1: Grey Knight Terminator Squad (200) 5 Additional Terminators (5*40) 2 Psycannons (2*25) Psybolt Ammunition [470]
Troop2: 2 Acolytes (2*4) Boltgun (1) Banisher (15) [24]
Fast1: Stormraven Gunship (205) Multi-Melta (0) Hurricane Bolters (30) Psybolt Ammunition (20) Searchlight (1) [256]
Heavy1: Dreadknight (130) Heavy Incinerator (30) Personal Teleporter (75) [235]
Fort1: Bastion (75) Comms Relay (20) [95]
TOTAL [1850]

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