FtW Bloggers Group

Thursday, 25 July 2013

Final preparations for 40k tournament and Ropecon 2013

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Since my workday only lasted 3 minutes today, I was left with plenty of time to go home and finish my SM/TAU. My apartment has been invaded by piles of minis for the last couple of weeks (that's actually a lie, my apartment is always filled with miniatures :D). As often is the case, I've been working hard to get comissions out of the way and was left with little time for my own minis, having to cut some corners. Overall, the army isn't bad. I might come back to some things once the new sm book comes out (or after the etc).

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The Broadisde bomb

I'm really looking forward to the weekend. Ropecon is a chance to meet up with a lot of my friends (not only wargamers but other kinds of nerds aswell). The tournament is a last chance to practice with my etc list in a tourney setting (although I think we're having one more training weekend before flying off to Serbia). Ropecon is also a real melting pot for gamers and hobbyists. there are some real eye candy armies in the tournaments. I've heard that Frenzy from over at Warhead has completed his Space Sharks, which will be awesome to see, and a long time FB player who paints really pretty armies has worked up an IG project. I'm sure there'll be lots of other armies to look forward to (sorry Joonas, not yours).

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Attack bikes, maxed out. Including one that is older than I am.

Everybody have a nice weekend!


  1. Good job! Atleast You finished your army in time, I finished.. 2 Terminators and switched army two times.

    That TAU is actually pretty nice scheme. It didnt look so good on riptide but on those broadsides it looks fantastic!

  2. Taut näyttää kipeeltä ja jotenkin noi mun jo aiemmin fiilistelemät tieviivat viimeistelee makean kokonaisuuden hienosti! Tosi siisti poppoo työn alla ja toivottavasti näitä nähdään jatkossa vielä lisää (vaikkei ehkä turnauspöydän vastakkaisella deployment zonella. ;)


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