So, here's THE LIST omg... Sorry for no pics, I'm not posting this from home.
Coteaz = 100
GKSS: Psycannon = 110
GKSS: Psycannon = 110 Transport 1
GKSS: Psycannon = 110 Transport 2
3 Warrior Acolytes = 12 Transport 3
3 Warrior Acolytes, meltagun = 22 Transport 4
3 Warrior Acolytes, 2 meltaguns = 32 Transport 5
Psifleman Dreadnought = 135
Psifleman Dreadnought = 135
Psifleman Dreadnought = 135
Purifier Squad: 1 Hammer, 1 Halberd, 2 Psycannons = 147 Transport 6
Purifier Squad: 1 Hammer, 1 Halberd, 2 Psycannons = 147 Transport 7
Purifier Squad: 2 Hammers, 1 Halberd, 2 Psycannons = 153 Transport 8
Transport 1: Razorback: Psybolt ammunition = 50
Transport 2: Razorback: Psybolt ammunition = 50
Transport 3: Razorback: Psybolt ammunition = 50
Transport 4: Razorback: Psybolt ammunition = 50
Transport 5: Razorback: Psybolt ammunition = 50
Transport 6: Razorback: Psybolt ammunition, Searchlight = 51
Transport 7: Razorback: Psybolt ammunition, Searchlight = 51
Transport 8: Razorback: Psybolt ammunition, Searchlight = 51
11 vehicles, 21 killpoints, not so many models. With those stats, the list could seem fragile. But think again!
Coteaz: Solid, cheap HQ choice. Has the reroll for iniative which is amazingly handy, and some good other specialities. Also makes henchmen scoring which helps.
Troops: 5 scoring troops in tanks, 3 being henchmen but so what, is solid, + an additional GKSS unit. 3 of those troops pack a punch in shooting phase and cc too. And the razors.. So many psybolters DE will cry, pretty much along with anyone else. Solid picks IMO, and not too many points wasted on them.
The Psiflemen: Well. Do I need to add anything? They provide long range support and might tie some units if they have to. That's about it.
Purifiers: For mass control and more psycannons. Also good at punching. They are a no-brainer to almost every GKlist, and covered in those oh so great razorback plates they provide me with some more tl str6 shots.
Tanks: Great for torrenting anyone. APC, infantry, elite infantry... Anything goes. I don't really care if they blow up, as long as atleast few remain. I'd prefer to have atleast 3 searchlights for those IG vendettas in DOW, but I'm testing this atleast for now.
Comments, suggestions? Bring it!
Toni Salenius, aka Joo-o
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