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Sunday, 21 August 2011

Counts-As Black Templars? Renegade Space Marines


ever since Brent began working on his 'Brotherhood' CSM army, I felt that I wanted to make a renegade marine army. I wanted to make it foot, to better bring up the Renegade Marines, and giving me a chance to adorn the units with banners etc that aren't tucked away in the army transport the entire game.

Full-jump pack marines weren't the kind of theme I wanted to go with. Although Loganwing would have been a possibility, Black Templars have neat special rules making them very unique, and I decided to make a BT army.

The Typhoon above is the first finished model for this army (I also made a test marine to try out the colour scheme). I drew inspiration from Henry Zou's Blood Gorgons, a BL book I had read. I am happy with the colour sheme. It's suitably easy to paint and the hawk turquoise wash adds an interesting element to the scheme imo.

Also, here is an armylist, which is influenced by model restraints and isn't fully optimised.

All crusaders have boltpistols+CCWs

Emperor’s Champion with accept any challenge, no matter the odds @ 140pts.

Marshal with terminator armour, tank hunters @ 108pts.

4 Terminators with 2 cyclones, tank hunters @ 222pts.

Castellan with combi-melta, bolt pistol @ 81pts.

5 Terminators with 2 cyclones, tank hunters @ 265pts.

5 Terminators with 2 cyclones, tank hunters @ 265pts.

5 Crusaders with lascannon, plasmagun @ 101pts.

5 Crusaders with lascannon, plasmagun @ 101pts.

5 Crusaders with lascannon, plasmagun @ 101pts.

5 Crusaders with lascannon, plasmagun @ 101pts.

5 Crusaders with heavy bolter, meltagun @ 95pts.

Drop Pod @ 30pts.

Land Speeder with typhoon launchers @ 70pts.

Land Speeder with typhoon launchers @ 70pts.

Total @ 1750pts.


  1. Loving the way the TMLs are fixed to the speeder and a nice looking paint job. Very reminiscent of Stark333's desert scorpions if you ever saw them... sadly most of the images of them are no longer on the webs :(.

    Buying terminator armour for the Marshal is not enough as it comes without weapons. I'd highly recommend a storm shield, an adamantine mantle and either a claw or a hammer. Any decent lay-out will cost you 60-80 points.

    You could just drop the Marshal all together, take a 3rd termie squad instead and bulk-out your troops. The EC can be your sole HQ, but not sure if the Marshal is part of the 'theme'.

    The castellan seems a big waste of points to me and I'd drop him straight away.

  2. Thx for the comment. The marshal has terminator armour just so that he gets the termie command squad (which is cheaper then another termie squad). I have the marshal because ld10 is great to have.

    I have to agree, the castellan is a lot of points, but I really would like to have double melta coming down in the pod, and I couldn't come up with any other idea. The pod group overall is a little wtf, but trys to make taking objectives easier and add some melta (which templar rarely have).

    I'm not sure whether I want to trust ld8 the first couple of rounds and have the castellan bring ld9 late game, doesn't seem smart either.

    Any ideas?

  3. The marshal doesn't need terminator armour necessarily. It may seem obscure, but on page 22 the character is part of the unit, not attached to it. The unit description states that only characters in terminator armour may attach to the unit. So, you could save 25 points and just give him some weapons. However... let me flesh something out...

    The problem with BT pods is they don't come down turn 1. It's great if you have an all pod list (very few turns of being shot at), but not great if you're reliant upon it. 5 guys and a castellan are unlikely to stick around for long, so I don't really see the point myself.

    EC - Abhor the Witch - 110
    Marshal - Claw/SS/MeltaBombs/Frag Grenades/Holy Orb(+TH) - 139
    Command Squad - 2 x CML, TH - 222
    Terminator Squad - 2 x CML, TH - 265
    Terminator Squad - 2 x CML, TH - 265
    Crusader Squad (5) - Meltagun/Multi-melta/Rhino/Smoke - 153
    Crusader Squad (5) - Meltagun/Multi-melta/Rhino/Smoke - 153
    Crusader Squad (5) - Las/Plas - 101
    Crusader Squad (5) - Las/Plas - 101
    Crusader Squad (5) - Las/Plas - 101
    Speeder - TML - 70
    Speeder - TML - 70

    The Marshal is now functional and has a holy orb for modeling/lols. You lose no firepower really and have the threat of 2 dual melta rhinos that can advance into midfield. I went with Abhor the witch as you've not really built a combat-orientated list and it's 50 points wasted. Abhor offers some psychic defence of sorts and saves you 30 points.

  4. I know the pod doesn't come down on t1. I actually think that's an asset in keeping your scoring models out of harms way for a while (instead of coming down alone in midfield). Thx for the list and input. I might well give that a spin. I like to take AACNMTO because even if the list isn't meant for combat, it really boosts tactical terminators and crusaders with pistol+ccw. However, I agree that it isn't necessarily worth the points with just 3 termie groups.

    Thx alot.

  5. I was also thinking about possibly taking attack bikes for melta. Something like this:

    Emperor’s Champion with accept any challenge, no matter the odds @ 140pts.

    Marshal with thunderhammer, stormshield, terminator honours @ 140pts.

    5 Terminators with 2 cyclones, tank hunters @ 265pts.

    5 Terminators with 2 cyclones, tank hunters @ 265pts.

    5 Terminators with 2 cyclones, tank hunters @ 265pts.

    5 Crusaders with lascannon, plasmagun @ 101pts.

    5 Crusaders with lascannon, plasmagun @ 101pts.

    5 Crusaders with lascannon, plasmagun @ 101pts.

    5 Crusaders with lascannon, plasmagun @ 101pts.

    Land Speeder with typhoon launchers @ 70pts.

    Land Speeder with typhoon launchers @ 70pts.

    2 Attack Bikes with multimeltas @ 130pts.

    Total @ 1749pts.

    Which would be better: the attack bikes seperate or the typhoons?

  6. This is really a good example of how one should choose the type of list and then choose the units that best fit that list. Everytime you start building a list out of a collection of models, bad things happen :D.

  7. Again, I think AAC is a bit of a waste and I think you're a bit light on troops choices, but I prefer it to the first.

    Coming down late in the game is fine, but then why worry about having dual melta (you'd hope most vehicles will be dead by then) and why add in the extra cost of the castellan.

    Typhoons separate but it'd be worth playing around. I don't like squadrons of speeders as they become disproportionately juicier targets and decreases the number of target you'll be shooting at.

  8. ... and yes... that's how I have over 4k of Templars, but rarely use 30-40% of them.


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