FtW Bloggers Group

Tuesday, 30 August 2011

1750pts. Venom Spam, second draft


This variant gets the full 9 venoms, sacrificing a blaster. I think this is an improvement to my original list. I have a tourney coming up on saturday in Tampere. If I can finish the army on time, I'll take these guys out for a spin, if not then it's BW orks (maybe with rokkit buggys this time).

Baron @ 105pts.

Haemonculus with webway portal @ 85pts.

3 Trueborn with 3 blasters @ 81pts.
Venom with 2x splinter cannons @ 65pts.

3 Trueborn with 3 blasters @ 81pts.
Venom with 2x splinter cannons @ 65pts.

3 Trueborn with 3 blasters @ 81pts.
Venom with 2x splinter cannons @ 65pts.

5 Warriors with blaster @ 60pts.
Venom with 2x splinter cannons @ 65pts.

5 Warriors with blaster @ 60pts.
Venom with 2x splinter cannons @ 65pts.

3 Wracks @ 30pts.
Venom with 2x splinter cannons @ 65pts.

5 Wyches with haywire grenades, incl. hekatrix with agoniser @ 90pts.
Venom with 2x splinter cannons @ 65pts.

5 Wyches with haywire grenades, incl. hekatrix with agoniser @ 90pts.
Venom with 2x splinter cannons @ 65pts.

5 Wyches with haywire grenades, incl. hekatrix with power weapon @ 80pts.
Venom with 2x cannons, grisly trophies @ 70pts.

Ravager @ 105pts.

Ravager @ 105pts.

Ravager @ 105pts.

Total @ 1748pts.

Sunday, 28 August 2011

Finished painting Dais of Destruction; Dark Eldar


The dais is missing one dark lance (realised after taking the photo), but here is my dais of destruction (in the centre if it's unclear). Old ravager with some tune ups to make it more 'special'. Now I just need to find a way to play the Dais....

Thursday, 25 August 2011

Whether it'd be the robbers, or the..

STEALERS! Lot's of them. Nids are all over my room at the moment, as I scavenge around trying to find all the models I've got for them. I even rearranged my WH-closet and renovated my room by adding some shelves. Wow.. Even I'm impressed.

As mentioned, I figured I won't be able to finish knights 'til the tournament on October. Nids are looking lots of better, even with their paintjob looking pretty rough, and bases being untouched. Again I picked my colourscheme by choosing a fancy pot of paint and just working on it. Iyander yellow, matched with warlock purple.. Looks ok enough. I have to buy 30 more of these bad boys, but luckily I've got a pending deal on 14. So, 16 more.. Shouldn't be impossible. I also have to convert like 4 hive guards from warriors, or maybe buy 1 or 2 and convert only 2. But, to sum up, I really love yellow. ...what...? Cmon, bananas..

By the way congratz' to the ETC and ESC winners and performers. Finland managed pretty well, 'specially in the Single Championships. The performance of Nids in that tournament was pretty solid, which encourages me to try them even more. Knights were also great, and I think the few Daemons weren't that bad either. Good for me, I'd say :D

- Toni Salenius

Tuesday, 23 August 2011

Counts-As Black Templars, pt2


Squad Infernus done (sry for flash). Anyway, been thinking about the templars, and I just have to cave in. I need those triple preds. Either I scavenge them from my GK army (don't like playing it tbh) or I buy them. Most likely the cheaper option. I'm keeping AACNMTO for now. Rerolls on those fists makes crappy tactical termies pretty formidable in cc (and the crusaders if they ever end up in combat).

And the list:

Emperor’s Champion with accept any challenge, no matter the odds @ 140pts.

Marshal with bolt pistol, close combat weapon, tank hunters @ 85pts.
4 Terminators with 2 cyclones, tank hunters @ 222pts.

5 Terminators with 2 cyclones, tank hunters @ 265pts.

5 Terminators with 2 cyclones, tank hunters @ 265pts.

5 Crusaders with lascannon, plasmagun @ 101pts.

5 Crusaders with lascannon, plasmagun @ 101pts.

5 Crusaders with lascannon, plasmagun @ 101pts.

5 Crusaders with lascannon @ 95pts.

Predator Destructor with lascannon sponsons @ 125pts.

Predator Destructor with lascannon sponsons @ 125pts.

Predator Destructor with lascannon sponsons @ 125pts.

Total @ 1750pts.

Sunday, 21 August 2011

Counts-As Black Templars? Renegade Space Marines


ever since Brent began working on his 'Brotherhood' CSM army, I felt that I wanted to make a renegade marine army. I wanted to make it foot, to better bring up the Renegade Marines, and giving me a chance to adorn the units with banners etc that aren't tucked away in the army transport the entire game.

Full-jump pack marines weren't the kind of theme I wanted to go with. Although Loganwing would have been a possibility, Black Templars have neat special rules making them very unique, and I decided to make a BT army.

The Typhoon above is the first finished model for this army (I also made a test marine to try out the colour scheme). I drew inspiration from Henry Zou's Blood Gorgons, a BL book I had read. I am happy with the colour sheme. It's suitably easy to paint and the hawk turquoise wash adds an interesting element to the scheme imo.

Also, here is an armylist, which is influenced by model restraints and isn't fully optimised.

All crusaders have boltpistols+CCWs

Emperor’s Champion with accept any challenge, no matter the odds @ 140pts.

Marshal with terminator armour, tank hunters @ 108pts.

4 Terminators with 2 cyclones, tank hunters @ 222pts.

Castellan with combi-melta, bolt pistol @ 81pts.

5 Terminators with 2 cyclones, tank hunters @ 265pts.

5 Terminators with 2 cyclones, tank hunters @ 265pts.

5 Crusaders with lascannon, plasmagun @ 101pts.

5 Crusaders with lascannon, plasmagun @ 101pts.

5 Crusaders with lascannon, plasmagun @ 101pts.

5 Crusaders with lascannon, plasmagun @ 101pts.

5 Crusaders with heavy bolter, meltagun @ 95pts.

Drop Pod @ 30pts.

Land Speeder with typhoon launchers @ 70pts.

Land Speeder with typhoon launchers @ 70pts.

Total @ 1750pts.

Saturday, 20 August 2011

GUESTPOST: Shocking!!

Again, apologies for the missing pic. Should really stack pics to my gf:s place too... The pictures here are not so 40k, like...... Aaaanyway. So, a 30-guy tournament closing in, deadline being 1st of October. I've lately been disappointed with the performance of Daemons. And, no wonder, it's all about dice with them. My knights are lacking too many units and tanks to even dream about it, so I looked to my shelf.. What DO I have besides these two?! First hit was the Eldar, with massed serpents/prisms. Ok, not too bad, but somehow lacking. Then my eyes turned into my nids.

I don't really know how these guys work, but this is my try. I think BroodLords didn't have SITW, but when calculating I thought they had. If so, I'd probably take a prime or something for the added synapse control. Anyway, here's the list:

20 Genestealers: Broodlord with ST = 328
15 Genestealers: Broodlord with ST = 258
20 Genestealers: Toxin sacks = 340
Tervigon: Catalyst, Sacs, CSpine 185
10 Termagants = 50

3 Hive Guards = 150
3 Hive Guards = 150
3 Hive Guards = 150

Tervigon: Catalyst, Sacs, CSpine = 185

The lords are there to provide -ld, and threaten more hitty units. Also work catching xtra wounds. What do you say, can I play with this or should I make it better? A basic 55-genestealer shock-list.

-Toni Salenius, aka Joo-o

Friday, 19 August 2011

Tank shocks to break up infantry formations


If playing a strongly close combat orientated army, minimising your opponents counter-attack is key. You are giving your opponent the chance to decide the momentum and way the game will play out, by playing an army that has a much shorter threat range. Minimising your opponent's choices and making the conditions as favourable to you as possible, is key. I talked about the problems with CC armies, and the fact that mech is making CC armies very prone to being counterattacked off the board, in an earlier post.

Tank shocks are a very good way to ensure that your troops can assault without the risk of being overwhelmed by a counter-attack. Some armies are better at this tactic (such as dark eldar and orks) and some have to use infantry bubblewraps, that are much harder to perfect (I'm looking at you tyranids). This is also why moving 12''+disembarking and running should be considered when running trukk or raider spam. It allows your tanks to move flatout in the following movement phase (giving you more reach).

Say for example, that your opponent is playing Grey Knights and has disembarked all his forces to shoot at your disembarked wyches and beastpacks (or in the case of orks: boyz, kanz etc.). Once in range to charge with your infantry, you can zoom your raiders to essentially cut in half your opponents forces (thus making any counter CC elements left in the backfield or on the other flank out of charge range for the turn). This ensures that you don't get mass charged by e.g. those purifiers, death cult assassins or paladins.

In many ways, the latest list I wrote yesterday seeks to use this tactic. It is one that I learned when playing my Orks MSU list. The list has a lot of dark light weapons to bring the initial punch, trying to pop open transports and make holes in the opponent's battleline. You can then use these holes to charge the infantry spilling out, or to cut off the rest of the army with your raiders. I still think that the shockprows are good antitank, and if your first turn's shooting doesn't produce enough results, you may well need to try and pop a couple of more tanks in the movement phase before deciding other movement, but against effective counter-attack armies, breaking up infantry formations is really key.

Ofcourse, Orks and DE aren't the only armies capable of utilising these tactics, Any CC army with access to vehicles should be seeking to utilise this tactic. Those transports are not only a faster way to transport men and protect them from small arms fire. Those transports might just be the safety net you need to cut off those TWC or other nasty counter-attack units that can punish you for committing yourself to the battle.

Thursday, 18 August 2011

Dark Eldar Beastpacks: An Armylist


I haven't really tried beastpacks properly. I think the 2x razorwings + 4x khymereas is a very cheap (102pts.) unit and certainly worth a try. I also learned a trick or two playing my orks list (if your transports are shit, why stay inside?). This list is designed to t1 move 12'' and disembark everything. Since you won't be using shockprows t1, I'd keep the dark lances. t2 shockprow stuff to oblivion. Tanks or infantry (tormentor grenade launchers might work well with the amount of hybrid armies around). Beast+wyches start charging stuff.

If going second, it does have a nice amount of bullet soakers (fnp wyches and beastpacks) but your ranged antitank will suffer. Thoughts?

3 Haemonculi @ 150pts.

3 Trueborn with 3 blasters @ 81pts.
Raider with shockprow, tormentor grenade launchers @ 70pts.

3 Trueborn with 3 blasters @ 81pts.
Raider with shockprow, tormentor grenade launchers @ 70pts.

3 Trueborn with 3 blasters @ 81pts.
Raider with shockprow, tormentor grenade launchers @ 70pts.

7 Wyches incl. hekatrix with power weapon @ 90pts.
Raider with shockprow @ 65pts.

7 Wyches incl. hekatrix with power weapon @ 90pts.
Raider with shockprow @ 65pts.

7 Wyches incl. hekatrix with power weapon @ 90pts.
Raider with shockprow @ 65pts.

3 Wracks @ 30pts.

3 Wracks @ 30pts.

2 Beastmasters with 2 razorwing flocks and 4 khymereas @ 102pts.

2 Beastmasters with 2 razorwing flocks and 4 khymereas @ 102pts.

2 Beastmasters with 2 razorwing flocks and 4 khymereas @ 102pts.

Ravager @ 105pts.

Ravager @ 105pts.

Ravager @ 105pts.

Total @ 1749pts.

Monday, 15 August 2011

MSU Orks @ 2k tourney


This past Saturday I took an Ork list based off of MVBrandt's Ork list to a 3-game tourney. Here's my modified list:

Big Mek w/ Kustom Force Field, Bosspole - 90 points

3 Mega Nobz w/ 1 Kombi-Rokkit, 1 Kombi-Scorcha - 130 points
Battlewagon Dedicated Transport w/ Deffrolla, Big Shoota - 115 points

3 Mega Nobz w/ 1 Kombi-Rokkit, 1 Kombi-Scorcha - 130 points
Battlewagon Dedicated Transport w/ Deffrolla, Big Shoota - 115 points

10 slugga boyz + Power Klaw/Bosspole Nob - 106 points
Trukk Dedicated Transport w/ Reinforced Ram - 40 points
10 slugga boyz + Power Klaw/Bosspole Nob - 106 points
Trukk Dedicated Transport w/ Reinforced Ram - 40 points
10 slugga boyz + Power Klaw/Bosspole Nob - 106 points
Trukk Dedicated Transport w/ Reinforced Ram - 40 points
10 slugga boyz + Power Klaw/Bosspole Nob - 106 points
Trukk Dedicated Transport w/ Reinforced Ram - 40 points
10 slugga boyz + Power Klaw/Bosspole Nob - 106 points
Trukk Dedicated Transport w/ Reinforced Ram - 40 points

3 Warbuggies w/ Twin-Linked Rokkit Launchas - 105 points
3 Warbuggies w/ Twin-Linked Rokkit Launchas - 105 points
3 Warbuggies w/ Twin-Linked Rokkit Launchas - 105 points

3 Killa Kanz w/ Grotzookas - 135 points
3 Killa Kanz w/ Big Shootas - 120 points
3 Killa Kanz w/ Big Shootas - 120 points

Total= 2000 points

I won all 3 games coming in tied 5th. Only 10 points were awarded for each round and 5 points (which almost everyone got) for painting. This led to 3 players going past me even though they didn't win all games.

I won my games 7-3, 7-3 and 6-4. The missions were hard to win big on (all 5 objectives or a 10kp lead) and I wasn't familiar with the list. Thus, my wins weren't big enough. The rounds were also a little tight for what I'm used to (normally 3h for 1.75k and there it was 2h 45min for 2k), which combined with my unfamiliarity with the list led to all the games either going over the limit or ending on t3-4. None the less, I had fun, and here is a fast breakdown of the games.

Game 1: BA with single stormraven DC bomb, razorbacks, vindis and a baal, furioso, and meph. 5 objectives with dawn of war (and a longer night fight). He went first boosting all his stuff onto the board.

Now there was a highway running straight across the board on the table, that was maybe 10 inches above the ground floor. We agreed that only skimmers and jump infantry could jump up there. He brings the storm raven with dc dread, dc and reclusiarch on there, and bang all my buggys drive on and open fire. In the end the raven goes down to the first buggy squad, but theatrical none the less :D.

He still had meph (which I failed to charge and tie up 3 times in a row) but most of his stuff just died to rokkits, klaws or deff rollas. Meph finally dies at the start of t5 and at the end of 6 he had 1 objective, and I had 3. 7-3 victory.

Game 2: BA double storm raven (what is it with all these ravens?) with jumper ba. He is also the writer of a blog: Bringers of Dawn. There were dreads in the ravens and a single autolas pred. Spearhead with 5 objectives. All units have stealth for the first 2 turns (hello kff!!!) and one squad can outflank.

He goes first, but being unfamiliar with my list, zooms right at me. I manage to roll over his army pretty bad, but the game has to be ended on t3. I hadn't remebered to check the time and wasn't on all the objectives I could have been, so I have 2 objectives, he has 0. 7-3 victory to me.

Game 3: Second table against DA dualwing. Pitched Battle, Killpoints. The table was horrible for me. There were large closed buildings that we agreed tanks couldn't drive through all across the board, making manouvering with 25 vehicles very difficult. However, I had some luck in this game.

The KP were modified so that HQ:s were worth 2 and there were 3 objectives worth 2 KP. Each HQ alive at the end gives its owner a further 1 KP. He seizes on me and advances aggressively. He brings his sammael+command squad too close (he misunderstood and thought the battlewagons were not opentopped) but the mega nobz don't do much. There is a grinder at the middle of the table, where I'm bottlenecked by terrain. However, the lucky bit comes when a trukk mob and 3 kans that I was moving up the left flank alone, destroy 3 attack bikes and a 3-man double melta bike squad that had come on from reserve, only losing the trukk (the nob was the sole survivor of the trukk mob).

In the end, I had one objective and killed sammael, earning me a 12-9 victory in killpoints, and thus a 6-4 win (which I thought was a little harsh, 3 kp difference and 6-4 victory? Even with the modified kp's).

That brought me to tied 5th, but more importantly I went through it undefeated (only the tournament winner did the same, atleast within the top6). Overall, I'm very happy. The list was fun and it worked, but boy do I need to learn how to play it faster and better.

Next I need to scale it to 1750....

Friday, 12 August 2011


So, here's THE LIST omg... Sorry for no pics, I'm not posting this from home.

Coteaz = 100

GKSS: Psycannon = 110
GKSS: Psycannon = 110 Transport 1
GKSS: Psycannon = 110 Transport 2
3 Warrior Acolytes = 12 Transport 3
3 Warrior Acolytes, meltagun = 22 Transport 4
3 Warrior Acolytes, 2 meltaguns = 32 Transport 5

Psifleman Dreadnought = 135
Psifleman Dreadnought = 135
Psifleman Dreadnought = 135

Purifier Squad: 1 Hammer, 1 Halberd, 2 Psycannons = 147 Transport 6
Purifier Squad: 1 Hammer, 1 Halberd, 2 Psycannons = 147 Transport 7
Purifier Squad: 2 Hammers, 1 Halberd, 2 Psycannons = 153 Transport 8

Transport 1: Razorback: Psybolt ammunition = 50
Transport 2: Razorback: Psybolt ammunition = 50
Transport 3: Razorback: Psybolt ammunition = 50
Transport 4: Razorback: Psybolt ammunition = 50
Transport 5: Razorback: Psybolt ammunition = 50
Transport 6: Razorback: Psybolt ammunition, Searchlight = 51
Transport 7: Razorback: Psybolt ammunition, Searchlight = 51
Transport 8: Razorback: Psybolt ammunition, Searchlight = 51

11 vehicles, 21 killpoints, not so many models. With those stats, the list could seem fragile. But think again!

Coteaz: Solid, cheap HQ choice. Has the reroll for iniative which is amazingly handy, and some good other specialities. Also makes henchmen scoring which helps.

Troops: 5 scoring troops in tanks, 3 being henchmen but so what, is solid, + an additional GKSS unit. 3 of those troops pack a punch in shooting phase and cc too. And the razors.. So many psybolters DE will cry, pretty much along with anyone else. Solid picks IMO, and not too many points wasted on them.

The Psiflemen: Well. Do I need to add anything? They provide long range support and might tie some units if they have to. That's about it.

Purifiers: For mass control and more psycannons. Also good at punching. They are a no-brainer to almost every GKlist, and covered in those oh so great razorback plates they provide me with some more tl str6 shots.

Tanks: Great for torrenting anyone. APC, infantry, elite infantry... Anything goes. I don't really care if they blow up, as long as atleast few remain. I'd prefer to have atleast 3 searchlights for those IG vendettas in DOW, but I'm testing this atleast for now.

Comments, suggestions? Bring it!

Toni Salenius, aka Joo-o

GUEST POST: So, Grey Knights...

There was a time people were happy. A time of transports, a time of AV11 spam. People felt good. They were powerful, and independent. Their mech-ness shone it's OP-light upon the planet 40k. But then came the time of darkness. The time of Grey Knights.

So, after throwing a wrong wave with daemons 8th time a row I felt kinda pissed. The dice were against me obviously, and losing because one bad roll felt wrong. Just plain wrong! Why, GW, whyyyyy... Anyways, after a period of whining I looked to the mirror and told myself I'm getting a MEQ army. And so I did.

My options were somehow limited thou. I wanted a strict performer. An army that could perfom well, even when the dice didn't smile. So, Wolves, Blood Angels or Grey Knights? I proxyed some games with Wolves, loved 'em but wanted something more similar to my gamestyle. After a lot of thought put into lists and calculating, I decided to take a journey to the depths of Greyness. Or, pinkness, in my case..

(sorry about the quality.. the highlights and metallic colors also almost look like too extreme because of the lightning, but anyways..)

I stumbled upon an unused pot of Tentacle Pink. What would you have done, CMON?! It's pink, and the name has "tentacle" in it. That's what I call a paint. ...wait what... Anyhow, those guys are my purifiers with black-like helmets. GKSS are going to get purple/lila pots, and Interceptors are probably going to get grey helmets, or maybe purple. Not sure yet, but whatever really. In about a week I have finished this squad and 2 psyfleman dreadnoughts. Not too shabby, I'd say. My aim is to get this army finished before October. Don't know if I make it, but if I do, it'll be awesome.

Ahh, and my army composition... I think I'll be posting that later on, with some thoughts of why I have this and that kind of tweaks and units in my list. So, later!

Toni Salenius alias Joo-o

Thursday, 11 August 2011



My Ork army is expanding (I'm trying to work towards a target saturation list). These Killa Kans were very easy to make. Just cut segment from the tube that tin foil comes wrapped around in, add armour plates and the visor, and the weapon options. They resemble the older Killa Kans pretty accurately imo.

Wednesday, 10 August 2011

40k in 40 hours


My friends and I got togetherLink during Finland's largest miniature convention (also including larp and other roleplaying etc.) to build 1750 points armies over the course of the weekend, from scratch, with as small a budget as possible. I was in quite a hurry, since half of the weekend would be going into the 40k tournament. I made a counts as paladin army, modelled as adeptus mechanicus praetorians.

Here are the pictures from the weekend.


Thursday, 4 August 2011

The 40k status quo - what armies are currently successful?


Of course, we all know that mech has prevailed in 5th edition, but lately I've being seeing (as I'm sure many of you have also) a preference towards gunlines. In an edition were cover saves were increased and run-moves became universal it might be surprising that infantry CC armies are not doing so well. The simple answer, is mech.

You see, full mech is 'an army within an army' as Kirby likes to call it. When playing an assault force, not only do you have to reach your enemy to damage him, but you have to first destroy his tanks, survive the counter attack and then munch through the infantry. With a shooty army, you are not as prone to being counter-attacked by the infantry pouring out.

But, when looking at the true 'top-tier' armies, one sees that they often are also capable in assault. Space Wolves and Grey Knights are in my opinion the two most powerful codices in the game, at the moment. Both have infantry that doesn't only buy you a transport (like say vanilla marines), but bring something to the table, and more importantly aren't too bad in combat. They aren't great but good at counter attacking wittled down enemies. Even mech guard might use blob squads to tie enemies down.

And that is really why I think that we are seeing a decline in CC armies. The best codices really have the perfect tools to annihilate a CC army, and any army that is meched up will have a distinct advantage against CC armies. It's not that you can't win with CC armies, infact I would dare say that a CC army has potential to do more damage then a shooty list, but meched shooty list are at an advantage against CC lists.

I personally enjoy CC armies, there are much more diverse in game, as your game doesn't revolve around movement and target priority, but includes more subtles variables that have to all be factored in. However, if looking for the highest powerlevel, I would build an army that revolves around shooting, is meched and brings to the table some counter attack for mopping up (which is easiest with ba, sw and gk, although de are also very good at it, just harder to play).

Wednesday, 3 August 2011

Ork Boyz: Sluggas or Shootas?


EDIT: I messed up the font-sizes (blogger isn't co-operating with me to change them back) so sorry for the Orky text :D .

This is a topic that is immensely debated, and every ork player seems to have a preference. How to equip your boyz? I personally think there is no single answer, but it rather depends on the size of the Boyz units and what kind of list you are using them in.

The Green Tide

In a mass-ork list, I would personally use shootas. You see, often you are not goin gto be able to get all ork mobs into CC, atleast not against a single unit, so in order to apply the necessary pressure, one must use shootas. In a list like this, and with slow units such as foot slogging orks, I see the value of shootas.


In Battlewagons, I use sluggas and choppas. This is because, you will not be slowing down to 6" (a requirement for firing shootas) and on the turn that you disembark, you will most likely be fleeting to maximise your threat range (this is why Ghazghkull is so great in Battlewagon lists). In addition, to smaller squad size (~20-man) means that you are more likely to need those extra attacks in CC. That is why in BW lists, I use sluggaboyz.


It would be easy to repeat myself here again, as trukk-boyz are very similar to battlewagon boyz. On the other hand, trukkboyz are more prone to get their rides shot off under them (and get kareened 18" in the wrong direction) so getting those charges off isn't that easy after all. It really depends on the rest of you list. If you are spamming trukks, then most likely shootas are better, since you can charge multiple mobs to take out any tougher targets and give supporting fire with the rest. On the other hand, when playing only a couple of trukk-mobz, you might well need those extra CC attacks to take on more opponents.

Tuesday, 2 August 2011

Classic Ork Trukk & New Battlewagon Armylist


Above is an old trukk that I painted up for my Ork army. I'm trying out a single trukk that hides behind the wall of Battlewagons, and the old ork trukk is cunningly good at it (due to its small size). I love the new trukk figures aswell, and long term I would love to have a speed freak army made out of only the new trukks.

I'm trying to brainstorm ways to tune the Ork list I took to the tournament this past weekend, and one route I haven't tried yet is going even more msu and using Gazzy's WAAAGH to bring fearless on key turns.

HQ1: Gazghkull Thraka – [225]
HQ2: Big Mek, Kustom Force Field – [85]

Elite1: 3 Mega Nobz, Kombi-Scorcha, Kombi-Rokkit - [130]
Elite2: 3 Mega Nobz, Kombi-Scorcha, Kombi-Rokkit - [130]
Elite3: 3 Mega Nobz, Kombi-Scorcha, Kombi-Rokkit - [130]

Troops1: 3 Mega Nobz, Kombi-Scorcha, Kombi-Rokkit - [130]
Troops2: 10 Ork Boyz, incl. Nob, Power Klaw, Bosspole – [100]
Troops3: 10 Ork Boyz, incl. Nob, Power Klaw, Bosspole – [100]
Troops4: 10 Gretchin, Runtherd – [40]
Troops5: 10 Gretchin, Runtherd – [40]

Heavy Support 1: Battlewagon, Deff Rolla, Big Shoota, Grot Riggers– [120]
Heavy Support 2: Battlewagon, Deff Rolla, Big Shoota, Grot Riggers – [120]

Transport 1: Battlewagon, Deff Rolla, Big Shoota, Grot Riggers, Elites1 – [120]
Transport2: Battlewagon, Deff Rolla, Big Shoota, Grot Riggers, Elites2 – [120]
Transport3: Battlewagon, Deff Rolla, Big Shoota, Grot Riggers, Elites3– [120]
Transport4: Trukk, Reinforced Ram, Troops1 - [40]

[TOTAL = 1750]

Monday, 1 August 2011

Ork Battlewagon list at a tourney


Hi guys,
this weekend was Finland's largest roleplaying/wargaming convention. I took my Ork battlewagons for a rumble. My results rocked back and forth. My games went 30-0, 0-30, 25-5, 10-20. So 2 wins and 2 losses, for a final rank of 17.. I'll maybe write some more detailed aftermath thoughts later. For now, here are pictures of the army and the armylist.

HQ1: Gazghkull Thraka – [225]
HQ2: Big Mek, Kustom Force Field – [85]

Elite1: 3 Mega Nobz, Kombi-Scorcha, Kombi-Rokkit - [130]
Elite2: 3 Mega Nobz, Kombi-Scorcha, Kombi-Rokkit - [130]
Elite3: 3 Mega Nobz, Kombi-Scorcha, Kombi-Rokkit - [130]

Troops1: 3 Mega Nobz, Kombi-Scorcha, Kombi-Rokkit - [130]
Troops2: 19 Ork Boyz, Nob, Power Klaw, Bosspole – [154]
Troops3: 10 Gretchin, Runtherd – [40]
Troops4: 10 Gretchin, Runtherd – [40]
Troops5: 10 Gretchin, Runtherd – [40]

Heavy Support 1: Battlewagon, Deff Rolla, Armour Plates, Big Shoota, – [125]

Transport 1: Battlewagon, Deff Rolla, Armour Plates, Big Shoota, Grot Riggers, Elites1 – [130]
Transport2: Battlewagon, Deff Rolla, Armour Plates, Big Shoota, Grot Riggers, Elites2 – [130]
Transport3: Battlewagon, Deff Rolla, Armour Plates, Big Shoota, Grot Riggers, Elites3 – [130]
Transport 4: Battlewagon, Deff Rolla, Armour Plates, Big Shoota, Grot Riggers, Troops1 – [130]

[TOTAL = 1749]

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