I'm taking my Dark Eldar for a 3-game tournament on saturday. It'll be fun playing with Dark Eldar again. The list I'm taking is a little different to what I've run before, but is in essence a similar venomspam.
HQ1: Baron Santhonyx @ 105pts.
HQ2: Haemonculus @ 50pts.
Elites1: 4 trueborn with 4 blasters @ 108pts.
Elites2: 4 trueborn with 4 blasters @ 108pts.
Elites3: 5 Incubi @ 110pts.
Troops1: 3 Wracks @ 30pts.
Troops2: 5 Warriors with blaster @ 60pts.
Troops3: 5 Warriors with blaster @ 60pts.
Troops4: 5 Warriors with blaster @ 60pts.
Troops5: 5 Warriors with blaster @ 60pts.
Troops6: 16 Hellions @ 256pts.
HS1: Ravager @ 105pts.
HS2: Ravager @ 105pts.
HS3: Ravager @ 105pts.
Elites1: Venom with extra splinter cannon @ 65pts.
Elites2: Venom with extra splinter cannon @ 65pts.
Elites3: Venom with extra splinter cannon @ 65pts.
Troops1: Venom with extra splinter cannon, grisly trophies @ 70pts.
Troops2: Venom with extra splinter cannon @ 65pts.
Troops3: Venom with extra splinter cannon @ 65pts.
Troops4: Venom with extra splinter cannon @ 65pts.
Troops5: Venom with extra splinter cannon @ 65pts.
Total @ 1847pts.
As you can see, I've got the big squad of hellions and a small squad of incubi. The incubi are still on the watch list, the extra blasters from trueborn could come in handy. In the two games I played with this list yesterday they were really good. Overall, this list has more counter assault options then my previous lists (which had 5-man wych groups, but they are more glasshammer) which is great. The hellions also bring shooting, which is great. I'm just gonna have to see whether the 21 lances and str5 hellions in cc will be enough antitank (or whether the third trueborn squad is necessary).
The wracks and haemy are for getting two paint tokens on the hellions at the start of the game. They still have issues with ld (and I only have one grisly trophy) but finishing off a squad with shooting/cc will give them fearless. After that they really become great. HnR makes them mobile and capable to leave bad combats without breaking first. However, hellions are more of a counter cc unit, and not a deathstar. That's something that I need to remember. They are good against a lot of units, but not able to survive alone. They have to be used carefully. They are also very valuable towards the end of the game, with their high movement and HnR.
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