Monday, 30 January 2012
1850 VenomSpam: new concept
A completely new concept. With hellions (and the wrack squad for tokens) resilient scoring is better covered. Perhaps a more balls to the walls approach could be taken with rest of my troops? Against mech ig, this will certainly be better. Same amount of lances as the list with incubi, requires closing with the enemy for maximum efficiency. Honestly, in that last tournament warriors rarely used their blasters. I think I could get away with haywire wyches. Hekatrii would be nice, but expensive. It still excells at blasting infantry, and has the same amount of long range lances as my previous list, but for those really bad matchups, it gives a chanve to just close with the enemy. I would like to test this list out.
Baron Santhonyx @ 105pts.
Haemonculus @ 50pts.
4 Trueborn with 4 blasters @ 108pts.
Venom with extra splinter cannon @ 65pts.
4 Trueborn with 4 blasters @ 108pts.
Venom with extra splinter cannon @ 65pts.
4 Trueborn with 4 blasters @ 108pts.
Venom with extra splinter cannon @ 65pts.
3 Wracks @ 30pts.
Venom with extra splinter cannon @ 65pts.
5 Wyches with haywire grenades @ 60pts.
Venom with extra splinter cannon @ 65pts.
5 Wyches with haywire grenades @ 60pts.
Venom with extra splinter cannon @ 65pts.
5 Wyches with haywire grenades @ 60pts.
Venom with extra splinter cannon @ 65pts.
5 Wyches with haywire grenades @ 60pts.
Venom with extra splinter cannon @ 65pts.
16 Hellions @ 256pts.
Ravager @ 105pts.
Ravager @ 105pts.
Ravager @ 105pts.
Total @ 1850pts.
Sunday, 29 January 2012
Venom Spam 2nd at a small tournament
The last game was a game of cat and mouse.
So, yesterday I took a train to Kouvola, a small town with an active 40k community. They have a really nice flgs, which also holds tournaments every month, taking turns with 40k and fantasy. I took my venomspam build, with the hellions and incubi. The tournament was a small 14 player and 3 round event. Each round had a primary objective (worth 8 points), secondary objective (worth 4 points) and victory points (worth max 8 points with 300 points intervals).
HQ1: Baron Santhonyx @ 105pts.
HQ2: Haemonculus @ 50pts.
Elites1: 4 trueborn with 4 blasters @ 108pts.
Elites2: 4 trueborn with 4 blasters @ 108pts.
Elites3: 5 Incubi @ 110pts.
Troops1: 3 Wracks @ 30pts.
Troops2: 5 Warriors with blaster @ 60pts.
Troops3: 5 Warriors with blaster @ 60pts.
Troops4: 5 Warriors with blaster @ 60pts.
Troops5: 5 Warriors with blaster @ 60pts.
Troops6: 16 Hellions @ 256pts.
HS1: Ravager @ 105pts.
HS2: Ravager @ 105pts.
HS3: Ravager @ 105pts.
Elites1: Venom with extra splinter cannon @ 65pts.
Elites2: Venom with extra splinter cannon @ 65pts.
Elites3: Venom with extra splinter cannon @ 65pts.
Troops1: Venom with extra splinter cannon, grisly trophies @ 70pts.
Troops2: Venom with extra splinter cannon @ 65pts.
Troops3: Venom with extra splinter cannon @ 65pts.
Troops4: Venom with extra splinter cannon @ 65pts.
Troops5: Venom with extra splinter cannon @ 65pts.
Total @ 1847pts.
Round 1:
My opponent was playing a Dark Angels army with 3 godhammer land raiders, 2 regular and one ven dread. The regular dreads had lascannon/missile launcher and the ven dread had an assault cannon. The raiders contained 2 tatical squads and 1 death wing squad made troops by belial. The mission was Spearhead, capture and control (prim.) and killpoints. My opponent made me go first. I deployed as far forward as possible and moved up to get as many blasters into my opponent as possible. Over the course of the game, I destroyed both regular dreads, immobilised the ven and one raider, and tore a lascannon off another raider. Not a whole lot. However, my opponent was playing very static and didn't drive to surround his base in time, as I turbo-boosted stuff forward on t4 to stop the raiders from moving. In the end, VP were a draw, I lost KPs and won capture and control. 12-8.
Round 2:
Against Eldar. He had a good list. Eldar, avatar, 2x5 dragons in serpents, 10 avengers in serpent, 2x5 avengers in falcons, 3 bikes and 3 warwalkers. Mission was pitched battle, capture and control (prim. again!?!), 3 objectives towards the centre of the board. I won the roll to go first, and weighed my options. Eldar skimmers are the masters of contesting, but in the end I decided I would be better off reducing the eldar firepower before Eldrad gets fortune off and went first. Our bases were placed on the same flank, and I deployed trueborn venoms on the deployment line, ravagers at the centre of the board. He deployed opposite my blasters and was alphastruck pretty badly. I took out his firepower and charged my hellions forward. He had to bring out scoring models to torrent the hellions,and then my other infantry units zoomed up and charged his infantry. T4 I already encircled my base objective with vehicles. t5 I also zoomed troops onto all the objectives and the incubi killed off the 3 jetbikes that had zoomed in from reserves onto one of the secondary objectives. Game ends with vp draw and me winning both objectives. 16-4.
Round 3:
This game was against a Space wolves dual raider list: Lord on bike with trimmings, rune priest, 2x lone wolves, rifleman, 2x rhinos, 2x10 grey hunters, 2x5 hunters, 1 godhammer, 1 redeemer and 5 long fangs. Mission was Dow, killpoints (prim.) and three objectives on the centreline. I chose to go first, although with hindsight this wasn't so beneficial. I deployed the hellions with the haemonculus and brought all my stuff on my right flank. Terrain was very limited, so I decided to build my postions behind the two rock boulders that you can see in the image above.
My opponent brings most of his stuff up the opposite flank, but he decides to bring his redeemer, a rhino with 10 hunters and long fangs up the centre. This was the sort of weak point I was looking for. I attacked the centre units meanwhile trying to minimize return fire. His shooting elements are slightly out of range at the start of the game, and aren't rolling too hot. I manage to tear up his stuff in the centre and ensure that the lone wolves don't do anything but scratch some fast moving venoms.
The game ends on t5. I have the secondary objectives, victory points by a 500 point margin and won by 3 killpoints. I made a gamble and brought in my hellions and baron to assault an immobilized rhino in my opponents deployment zone. He reacted by bringing his grey hunters to beat me up, and this way I ensured that I got the secondary objective. However, I should have detached the baron to reduce killpoints and victory points from the squad.
So I finished 2/14
Overall, the event was a blast. First place went to the tournaments only GK player, our very own Joo-o, congratz to him. All the people were very nice and laid back, the shop and terrain were very nice and that last game was very exciting. My last opponent was a very talented player, and in the end it came down to a simple mistake, some bad dice on his part and good dice on my part. The great thing about DE is that it's a very fragile army. This keeps you sweating and the immense mobility allows you to attack targets of opportunity or overload your opponent depending on the situation.
Wednesday, 25 January 2012
1850 DE list for tournament on Saturday
I'm taking my Dark Eldar for a 3-game tournament on saturday. It'll be fun playing with Dark Eldar again. The list I'm taking is a little different to what I've run before, but is in essence a similar venomspam.
HQ1: Baron Santhonyx @ 105pts.
HQ2: Haemonculus @ 50pts.
Elites1: 4 trueborn with 4 blasters @ 108pts.
Elites2: 4 trueborn with 4 blasters @ 108pts.
Elites3: 5 Incubi @ 110pts.
Troops1: 3 Wracks @ 30pts.
Troops2: 5 Warriors with blaster @ 60pts.
Troops3: 5 Warriors with blaster @ 60pts.
Troops4: 5 Warriors with blaster @ 60pts.
Troops5: 5 Warriors with blaster @ 60pts.
Troops6: 16 Hellions @ 256pts.
HS1: Ravager @ 105pts.
HS2: Ravager @ 105pts.
HS3: Ravager @ 105pts.
Elites1: Venom with extra splinter cannon @ 65pts.
Elites2: Venom with extra splinter cannon @ 65pts.
Elites3: Venom with extra splinter cannon @ 65pts.
Troops1: Venom with extra splinter cannon, grisly trophies @ 70pts.
Troops2: Venom with extra splinter cannon @ 65pts.
Troops3: Venom with extra splinter cannon @ 65pts.
Troops4: Venom with extra splinter cannon @ 65pts.
Troops5: Venom with extra splinter cannon @ 65pts.
Total @ 1847pts.
As you can see, I've got the big squad of hellions and a small squad of incubi. The incubi are still on the watch list, the extra blasters from trueborn could come in handy. In the two games I played with this list yesterday they were really good. Overall, this list has more counter assault options then my previous lists (which had 5-man wych groups, but they are more glasshammer) which is great. The hellions also bring shooting, which is great. I'm just gonna have to see whether the 21 lances and str5 hellions in cc will be enough antitank (or whether the third trueborn squad is necessary).
The wracks and haemy are for getting two paint tokens on the hellions at the start of the game. They still have issues with ld (and I only have one grisly trophy) but finishing off a squad with shooting/cc will give them fearless. After that they really become great. HnR makes them mobile and capable to leave bad combats without breaking first. However, hellions are more of a counter cc unit, and not a deathstar. That's something that I need to remember. They are good against a lot of units, but not able to survive alone. They have to be used carefully. They are also very valuable towards the end of the game, with their high movement and HnR.
Monday, 23 January 2012
Army Showcase: Dark Eldar Corsairs
Sorry for the bad pics (and apparently there is some black paint on the lens)
I decided to do a post showing some pictures of my Dark Eldar army that I have tuned up for a small tournament on Saturday. It is themed around Eldar corsairs, and game technically is a venomspam build.
It was originally the ravager that I fell in love with from the new Dark Eldar range, and since I had some old Dark Eldar models gathering dust in the corners of my room, I decided to expand that to a fullscale army.
I've repainted this army a couple of times. In the end what brought me to this current scheme was that I wanted a bright and striking colour scheme. In my opinion, lighter and more striking themes stand out better on the battlefield (which these models are for). I chose Hawk Turquiose as the colour I would build my paint scheme around.
There are my latest additions to the force. I bought some hellions, and converted one of my archons into a new Baron model (a scourge-like figure), so that it would better stand out from the group. In addition to Hawk Turqiouse, I used green and red as contrasting colours in the force. Bone I used on some of the infantry to bring some variety to the colour scheme and white has been used to mark out veterans, like trueborn and incubi.
Originally when I bought this army, there were no models for venoms. I bought 8 raiders instead. Over the course of about a year, I've toyed around with venom conversions, starting with a 'small sized raider' and eventually leading to this concept. The sails below the venoms are the latest addition. I really loved the sails in the new Dark Eldar range, and wanted to implement them into the venoms. In my opinion, they look pretty sweet.
I chose a mars-like desert for the bases, to contrast with the blue colour scheme, and it works quite well imo. The painting is not exceptionally good, but imo it is very good for 'tabletop' quality, and looks pretty nice on the battlefield. There hasn't been that much kitbashing with the infantry models, but a lot of time was put into the venoms, and overall small conversions and the different colour scheme makes this a very unique army.
Sunday, 22 January 2012
Finecast first impressions: Incubi
I got my first box of finecast from a christmas raffle at our FLGS. So I picked up a squad of the new incubi models. I really like the new models and was looking forward to painting and playing with them. Are the horror stories about finecast really true?
My box didn't have any airbubbles in awkward places or stuff like that. There was some cleaning up to do, but overall the details were very good. The only problem with the resin is, that weapons might come as warped. I think a couple of the klaives were warped. Overall however, it would seem that gw has stepped up a notch.
In comparison to metal models, the resin models are easier to transport. They don't get chipped like the metal ones, which is really great. They are also less prone to breaking down if you drop them, certainly a plus. Painting them wasn't really that different to any other models.
I would say that GW did the right move when they changed to Finecast. Unfortunately, since we are talking about GW, they raised the prices at the same time. That really pisses a lot of people off (including me) because as far as I understand, resin is cheaper to manufacture then metal. Overall though, finecast is great.
Thursday, 19 January 2012
GUEST POST: You see it Roooolling..
I haven't been posting lately. School and other projects, for example an annoying illusion sometimes also referred as "life", have distracted me from 40k, the true meaning of existence. Anyway, I just had to force myself to do something, and here you see me (t)rolling... (...not hating... hopefully..)
I've personally seen them rolling. Towards me, towards my objectives, towards my army, and those blasted bummobiles are driving my 'nids and Daemons crazy. With GK I do have the tools, but somehow I just can't throw 6's and waste tons of psycannons on them. What's this madness... A year ago Land Riders were a joke. Nowadays they are a force to be reckoned. Solo, twin and triple -Rider builds have massively bloomed over Finnish tournament scene. Armies with mass melta are happy, but my Chaosjappies are not.. Playing 2 objectives against twin Riders is pretty much autolose without superb luck and crazy-hot dicerolling.
What has caused this? There are probably countless reasons;
First and foremost reason could be Grey Knights. When the Steel Power came out with their rifle-toting-psyfle-madness, they made rhino hulls sad metalpandas. Powering up into AV14 helps; even with psycannons rending, it takes really much effort and some luck to wreck or explode a Rider. I have personally wasted many shooting phases on 2 of these powerhouses with my GK. My friend keeps telling me to add melta to my army, but... Maybe I should.
Anyway. Taking AV14 might be a reaction to the shifting of metagame caused by GK.
Land Riders counter many lists very well. For example 'nids or Daemons, or Orks can't really handle them. Same is true with missilespam -type armies. Rock, paper, scissors is a good game, eh.. Well these baddies know how to play it right. Single multi-melta can turn your 250pts bomb into wastepile, but against armies that don't have them.. It sucks to be a Xeno. Deldar have lances, an effective way to get rid of LR, but many other armies are left out cold. This culminates in team tournaments such as ETC or ATC. Playing counter-type lists might help you win against opponents with equal talent regardless of some bad rolls.
AV14 is also a psychological factor. It intimidates and flattens, taunting you to shoot it, and same time laughing at you str8 weaponry, and taking a crap on lower str guns. Forcing your opponent to roll the dice instead of having to perform against the odds yourself is a serious trump card for the LRplayer. I hate performing with my die; sometimes it just doesn't happen even if it by all means should.
And one shouldn't forget the thing itself. AV14 vehicle, with variable good weaponry, cheesy machine spirit, solid transport capasity and massive footprint, not too shabby, even when you have to pay jackload to get it. Also, the model itself offers valuable LOSblock to other vehicles, CSM Daemon Princes, Mephistons and other buggers. To me 250ish points for all this is a bargain, atleast when bought into right type of surroundings (and I don't mean Hawaii beaches and women rubbing sunlotion in the sun -kind of surroundings..(wait what..)). And let's not forget the assault ramp. Assault terminators really do love this rock, as many BAlists have proven.
What armies then use these beasty boys? Lately I have seen Space Wolves, Blood Angels and CSM run twinRaider lists. SingleRaiders are often included in many marine armies, MohlieSM being a prime example. Nick's Black Templars with 2 LR have won big time in USA. Whatever one says, this LRBoom is real, growing, and hurting. Hopefully older 'dexes get their piece of anti-tank-cake in the coming updates.. If not, I know a rock that's gonna crush some armies big time.
Wednesday, 18 January 2012
Army-wide redundancy: is spamming a shortcut?
I firmly believe that there are three levels of armylists: (1) there is the collection of models, or "battleforce" list as they are sometimes called, (2) there are spam lists, which are points efficient and have natural redundancy as units are taken in multiples, and (3) there are good lists that don't spam per se, but rather find many means of applying similar roles into the army, and despite taking a variety of units, maintain a good level of redundancy.
Let's begin by looking at why spam lists are good. They often employ the most points efficient choices, thus ensuring that the list is optimised, and if they are able to find a good combination of units, they will have good balance and redundancy. By taking the exact same units, you have multiple choices performing the same role, and thus ensure that your list is not relying on any single element. This makes the list very robust. I'm not trying to say that a spam list is bad. I think there is enough evidence to prove that they are great. However, I think we can take it even further.
A list that combines different units and elements (the best known example perhaps being Ben Mohlie's Vulkan marines) can offer more solutions, or more tools into your toolkit. The problem with these armies often comes from the lack of balance or redundancy. Easily, a list like this might not have the same level of redundancy as a spammed list. However, in a good codex, we know that there should be multiple 'good' units for every role, and by taking these different units, you also make your opponent's target priority more difficult. Not only this, but you have more 'counters' in a world of rock paper scissors. A single land raider can be a real asset against certain lists. Not a game breaker, but something that could give you an advantage. Similarly, dreadnoughts can be awesome in some matchups, whilst still providing the same role as any fire support unit.
Basically what I'm trying to say is that by taking that single drop pod or thunder fire cannon, you open up more options, options that sometimes can be exploited. A predictable list is easier for your opponent to counter. This third level of list building is what I strive to. However, it truly requires skill and understanding to make such a list, and I'm sure I will fail many times on the way.
Tuesday, 10 January 2012
Daemons: Larger lesser daemon squads?
Although this talks specifically from a Daemons stand point, in my opinion the ideas are relevant to any foot lists. Feel free to ask me, if you want to talk about implementing these ideas in your lists.
Continuing on my voyage into the depths of the thorpe-doed Chaos Daemons codex, I'm here to report back on some things you might want to consider when building your list. As I mentioned earlier, Daemons have very few ways in which to affect their opponent's movement, CC being perhaps the most sure way. Tank Shocks will rip through anything but CC, and anybody locked in combat is restricted from doing anything else.
That's why I think larger lesser daemon squads (over 15) can be a good pick. They are easy to chain up to get potentially large multicombats going (a linker between your other CC units) and can lash out whilst still maintaining their tail within fateweaver's bubble. Ofcourse, a larger squad gives less killpoints (which is a strong point of daemons) and can be used as bubblewrap, stringed to take multiple objectives etc.. There is nothing more sweet than producing a 30" line of models, charging one end into a combat and watching your opponent's tanks wonder why they aren't allowed to run over these zombies queuing infront of them.
I personally am swaying towards daemonettes. There are a couple of reasons. First, they are cheaper. A large squad will cost a lot of points and although that can potentially be awesome in table quarter missions (depending on the format ofcourse) that is a lot of points away from the rest of the list. Second, they have grenades. When making these 30" lines of doom you get to attack first, and then remove casualties from the guys that just swung instead of from the back of the line (thus not shortening the congo line as much). Finally, the daemonettes have fleet. Not only is this another different threat range in the army, it allows you to better prepare your combats.
Against tanks and infantry alike, blood letters are just simply better then daemonettes. However, in the role that I am playing them, the daemonettes should be just fine. They are perfectly capable of taking on non-dedicated cc units. If in fateweaver range, I think they can drag down a lot of things in a prolonged combat. And they aren't the heavy hitter in my army, that's what I got a freaking crusher deathstar for.
I still need a lot more games under my belt, but these are the thoughts that have arisen from my trip into the eye of terror.
Monday, 9 January 2012
How viable are naked princes in fatecrusher builds?
I call him Mr. Muscle. He represents a Daemon Prince in my Lost and the Damned themed fatecrusher list. This idea came to me as I was thinking of ways to patch the weak points of a fatecrusher build: antitank and more importantly something to deal with walkers. Although Fiends are pretty good at charging walkers, doing some damage and then HnR out of there, the fiends might have better things to do. So, I started thinking of cheap ways to deal with dreads. MC attacks are probably one of the most reliable methods.
Taking into account the slots I have available daemon princes seemed like the best option. Their upgrades are just very expensive. That got me thinking, do they really need the upgrades for the role I'm playing them in? I'd just have them dropping down in the second wave (within fateweaver range) to potentially charge walkers that came too close. For 80 points they aren't such a bad buy. Since I'm gonna start with just one prince, I was thinking that I need to get results if I commit this guy, and the 15 points mark of khorne seemed ok. I think barebones is just viable an option, but 6 attacks on the charge means that I should be hitting any vehicle that moved fast in the previous turn.
For 95 points it's a decent bargain. They're nothing to rely on, but add another tool into my list that could potentially help me win games, I don't think that's a bad idea. It needs further playtesting but I think naked princes really have the potential to stay in my lists. There is enough resilience in the army already, so upgrades aren't necessary, and well wings are just too expensive imo.
Sunday, 8 January 2012
Windows Live Messenger account for the blog...
I have been informed that apparently it's fashionable for a blog to have its own Messenger-account . So now this blog has one aswell! If you want to contact us for anything (chatting about 40k) you can do it by adding our email address to your Messenger account and hitting us with a message. The address is:
cta40k (at)
Friday, 6 January 2012
Fatecrusher... first impressions
Well, I've been busy on my Lost and the Damned army, and I even played a game with them on wednesday. I lost. Played against Space Wolves and didn't destroy his tanks in time, he contested my objectives. It takes a lot of practice to suddenly switch to a practically complete CC army, and I wasn't expecting to do well in the first couple of games. Here are some things I picked up
How do Daemons influence the game:
-Movement - generally they are slow so using the Crusherstar's large footprint efficiently is crucial. At its best, the crushers can really prove a challenge to the opponent. In my first game, they didn't.
-Assault - Fatecrusher has minimal shooty elements (infact my list only had fateweaver) and all the damage is dealt in CC. This has some pros and a lot of cons. You can (and need to) use multiassaults effectively (and I found the 20 man letter unit very good for this role) to deal maximum damage and lock down the enemy.
Not only do you deal damage in assault, but that is the best way in which you can limit your opponent's movement. They literally can't move if they are in an assault. Fiends are very good at this, because they have HnR. They can go into combats that they wouldn't necessarily wanna stay in, and block your opponent's movement through it. Potentially you can do this to tanks aswell. They can't tank shock through combat so good strings are crucial to stopping tanks from moving.
As you can see, Daemons are completely missing shooting. This means that their threat ranges are shorter and they have to commit themselves in order to deal damage. This requires finesse to master, but as I've said before, combat has the POTENTIAL to be a lot more destructive then shooting, it's just getting there that's the hard part.
Tuesday, 3 January 2012
1850 Fatecrusher Daemons...
During our long talk yesterday on Facebook with Joo-o, we also talked about my upcoming Daemons project. There are some things that you have to look out for when building a fatecrusher list (e.g. dreadnoughts) and I came up with a list that Joo-o was willing to accept. Not sure on the big bloodletter squad yet, we'll have to see how the list evolves during playtesting. The costly squad can however be useful in e.g. tablequarter missions, and a big squad allows more freedom with fateweaver. We'll just have to see.
Fateweaver @ 333pts.
Herald of Khorne with juggernaut, fury of khorne, blessing of the blood god and unholy might @ 135pts.
Herald of Khorne with juggernaut, fury of khorne, blessing of the blood god and unholy might @ 135pts.
8 Bloodcrushers with fury of khorne, chaos icon and instrument of chaos @ 360pts.
6 Fiends of Slaanesh with 1 unholy might @ 190pts.
6 Fiends of Slaanesh with 1 unholy might @ 190pts.
20 Blood Letters with Chaos Icon, fury of khorne @ 355pts.
5 Plaguebearers @ 75pts.
5 Plaguebearers @ 75pts.
Total @ 1848pts.
Strike Marine based gk lists will surely be the bane of this list, but I wouldn't be as afraid of acolyte or purifier lists. Multiple land raiders are also a nasty paper to my rock, but this project will give me ample knowledge regarding the assault phase. At the last tournament (where I took my spac wolves) I placed hideously, and I realised how little skills I had regarding assaults in 40k. What better way to learn, then to play a list that pretty much relies purely on close combat :D. This will also be a nice way to reflect upon the differences in CC armies and shooty armies in 40k that I discussed a while back.
Monday, 2 January 2012
2012: What shall I do?
I hope everybody had a great christmas and new year. I haven't been posting over the holidays, but hopefully I'll be jumping right back in now. A year ago I thought about the possibility of starting daemons as my tournament army for 2011. Well, that plan never materialised (a great responsibility for that falling on the awesome new ravager models :D) but I went ahead and bought the stuff I need for a lost and the damned themed daemon army. What am I planning on making it hobbywise?
It will be an uprising led by word bearers. I'll add some word bearers into some of the lesser daemon squads to act as aspiring champions, kinda like in the old lost and the damned armylist. In addition, I'm using cadian and mantic zombie bits for the lesser daemons, with some west wind miniature heads. Fiends will be a mix of seekers, warhounds and daemonettes and the crushers will be word bearers riding spawns. There was a super sexy apocalypse box at our flgs (with 10 csm and 10 spawns) that should make the right sized models, but with something different and fitting of the theme. Fluff wise it does sound silly to have csm riding spawns, but they're some sort of daemonic mounts. In the pic above you can see some of the first models and I think the spawn riders look pretty good (I'm gonna buy 10 resin bases for the crusher deathstar as atm they are on cardboard bases).
Game wise this list is gonna be a fatecrusher build very similar to the one that made it into the finals at Feast of Blades. I'm buying a used lord of change that I will convert as fateweaver and I'll have one big crusher deathstar with 2 heralds. The herals are probably gonna be the dark apostle and his first acolyte (that's the company chaplain and his future successor for those of you who don't know), so they'll stand out in mainly black power armour.
I'm still working on the details of the list. Fatecrusher is one of those armies that doesn't necessarily do well over the course of an entire tournament (as it has some bad matchups and random factors built into it) but trying out matches against daemons should be a good thing for our etc team, as there are very few daemon players in Finland (as a matter of fact, Joo-o is probably the only one in Finland who plays a decent list at tournaments!).