FtW Bloggers Group

Friday, 31 December 2010

New army for 2011: Daemons?

Hi guys,
I've been thinking about a new tournament army for 2011. I wanted something that would offer me a different playstyle. Nowadays a lot of competitive armies tend to be mechanised, and although the contents of the transports may differ, they really don't add much variety. I love 5th ed. and have nothing against mech, but I wanted something different.

Brent over at Strictly Average has been playing Daemons for I think the past year on a tournament level. Anybody looking to start competitve Daemons should head over to his site. Daemons seem like a cool army. I did a test model, although the pic of him above is a bit bad, and I think I'm gonna go ahead and buy the rest of my 1750pts. army. Talking of lists, I'll finish this short post with my list. It was made using BattleScribe, a great free list maker, and I suggest you all give it a try. I even got so excited, that I added names for all the units :D . Happy New Year everyone!

1750pt Chaos Daemons 4th Ed (2008) Roster

Sons of the Void (1750pts Total)


HQ (440pts)

  • Followers of Fate - Daemonic Herald(s) (220pts)
    • Herald of Tzeentch (110pts)

      Bolt of Tzeentch (30pts), Chariot of Tzeentch (15pts), Master of Sorcery (5pts), We are Legion (10pts)

    • Herald of Tzeentch (110pts)

      Bolt of Tzeentch (30pts), Chariot of Tzeentch (15pts), Master of Sorcery (5pts), We are Legion (10pts)

  • Weavers of Change - Daemonic Herald(s) (220pts)
    • Herald of Tzeentch (110pts)

      Bolt of Tzeentch (30pts), Chariot of Tzeentch (15pts), Master of Sorcery (5pts), We are Legion (10pts)

    • Herald of Tzeentch (110pts)

      Bolt of Tzeentch (30pts), Chariot of Tzeentch (15pts), Master of Sorcery (5pts), We are Legion (10pts)

Elites (320pts)

  • Beasts of the Void - Fiends of Slaanesh (160pts)

    5x Fiend of Slaanesh (150pts), Unholy Might (10pts)

  • Beasts of Destiny - Fiends of Slaanesh (160pts)

    5x Fiend of Slaanesh (150pts), Unholy Might (10pts)

Troops (385pts)

  • Changeling's Dissimulation - Horrors of Tzeentch (100pts)

    Bolt of Tzeentch (10pts), Changeling (5pts), 5x Pink Horror (85pts)

  • Dark Followers - Horrors of Tzeentch (95pts)

    Bolt of Tzeentch (10pts), 5x Pink Horror (85pts)

  • Terror of Vnark - Horrors of Tzeentch (95pts)

    Bolt of Tzeentch (10pts), 5x Pink Horror (85pts)

  • Sons of Tzeentch - Horrors of Tzeentch (95pts)

    Bolt of Tzeentch (10pts), 5x Pink Horror (85pts)

Fast Attack (150pts)

  • Dark Riders - Flesh Hounds of Khorne (150pts)

    10x Flesh Hound (150pts)

Heavy Support (455pts)

  • Doom of Terra - Daemon Prince of Chaos (150pts)
    • Mark of Tzeentch (70pts)

      Bolt of Tzeentch (35pts)

  • Xor the Destroyer - Daemon Prince of Chaos (150pts)
    • Mark of Tzeentch (70pts)

      Bolt of Tzeentch (35pts)

  • Vlad the Terror - Daemon Prince of Chaos (155pts)

    Instrument of Chaos (5pts)

    • Mark of Tzeentch (70pts)

      Bolt of Tzeentch (35pts)

Monday, 27 December 2010

Novamarines progress pictures

Hi guys,
I hope you all had a very nice christmas! I finished 9 of my 10 scouts yesterday. Here are the pics, along with my second auto/las pred that I finished not so long ago.

Friday, 17 December 2010

PICTURES: From recent tourney

Here are some pics from that recent tourney I attended. The ugly deathguard are mine, I played something like this:


10 th/ss terminators

4x5 tacticals with combi-flamer and las/plas razorbacks

2x Land Raider

I lost my first game against mech guard, won against nids and orks. I placed 8th out of 22. Anyway here are the pics (the librarian on top of my land raider is missing his arm, it fell off in the heat of battle :D ).


Monday, 13 December 2010

Tactics: The Necron Slide


Hi guys,
took some pictures at the tourney I was at this past Saturday, and I promise some more painting and modelling related stuff soon, but here is another tactic that I have learned to employ on my Necrons. Fritz over at WOSH originally came up with the name ''Necron slide' for this strategy.

The idea is, that when you remove models from your unit, you remove them from the back, and once you pass WBB saves, you move them to the front. In essence, this gives you some extra inches of movement, but more importantly, I have found, it can be used to 'enhance' the range of their gauss flayers.

In the picture above, I was playing an IG player a couple of weeks back, and he had a nasty leman russ executioner looming over my warriors. I placed the newly risen warriors into the front of the unit and was able to 'creep' into range of the executioner and start suppressing it on turn 2.

Since opponents often try and go for phase out, and thus pour lots of firepower at your warriors, this tactic actually works. First turn move+run and the Necron Slide will most likely bring you up into very good firing positions by turn 2.

Necrons have so many cool rules and tactics, starting from the grand illusion and ending in a well placed scarab contest at the end of the game, and I love playing with them. Hopefully some of you have found this concept useful.

Thursday, 9 December 2010

How to arm your assault terminators?

Hi guys,
I've been toying around with a dual rock list from the vanilla marine dex for a tournament this Saturday, and naturally I've also been looking into the right combination of weapons to use on my assault terminators. I personally don't see the use in lightning claws.

Lightning claws give you a marginally better chance of causing wounds on t4, even more on t3, but I find that the decreased survivability just isn't worth it. There is a reason why BA have to pay an extra 5 points to get TH/SS. In my opinion, the slightly larger offensive output brought by adding 1 or 2 lightning claws into the mix isn't going to swing the tide. However loosing termies because you don't have a 3+ invul is going to seriously hurt a 5-man squad.

Lightning claws do strike in initiative order, which is especially great for BA who can get furious charge, but in order to make use of that you have to either charge straight from the land raider, or not charge into cover. So there are easily times in which the extra initiative won't help you out at all. Ofcourse, I use godhammer land raiders in my dual rock, since they have transport capacity 12 in the vanilla dex, but even with frag launchers I would think twice about the relevance of striking in initiative order.

Finally we come to the fact that a single lightning claw allows you to stack those ap1-2 shots on only one model. Still, when you think about it, a storm shield termie should only die to 3 invul saves, and often you would have actually preserved the unit further by giving the wounds to storm shields. Flipping it around having 4 storm shield termies adds protection to your lightning claws and helps migitate the absence of a 3+ invul, but assault termies are meant to get into the thick of it, and these battles of attrition often come down to the last few models.

That pretty much brings me back to my first paragraph. I believe that assault termies (with the new storm shield variant) are best equipped with pure TH/SS. A 5-man squad doesn't need a slight increase in damage output, it needs to survive as long as possible to make up for it's small squad size. Feel free to express your opinion though. I am in no way always right, and I appreciate feed back.

Saturday, 4 December 2010

1750 points Mechanised Eldar


I've been playing around with different kinds of Eldar builds lately (Yea I have way too many armies and lists going on at once :D) , along with a Vanilla Marine dual raider list that I'm taking to a tournament next weekend, and here is the latest idea I had.

Not exactly the ''traditional'' Mechdar list, but I'd like some input from the more veteran eldar players out there. Is this any good? I like the fact that it can reserve and come in with 2+'s on turn two, and I like fast skimmers. Anyway here's the list I've been thinking of:

Autarch with Fusion Gun @80pts.

Autarch with Fusion Gun @80pts.

10 Storm Guardians with 2 Fusion Guns @ 92pts.
Wave Serpent with Scatter Lasers, Shuriken Cannon @ 125pts.

10 Storm Guardians with 2 Fusion Guns @ 92pts.
Wave Serpent with Scatter Lasers, Shuriken Cannon @ 125pts.

10 Storm Guardians with 2 Fusion Guns, Warlock with Embolden @ 122pts.
Wave Serpent with Scatter Lasers, Shuriken Cannon @ 125pts.

10 Storm Guardians with 2 Fusion Guns, Warlock with Embolden @ 122pts.
Wave Serpent with Scatter Lasers, Shuriken Cannon @ 125pts.

10 Storm Guardians with 2 Fusion Guns, Warlock with Embolden @ 122pts.
Wave Serpent with Scatter Lasers, Shuriken Cannon @ 125pts.

3 Guardian Jetbikes @ 66pts.

Fire Prism @ 115pts.

Fire Prism @ 115pts.

Fire Prism @ 115pts.

TOTAL @ 1746pts.
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