Hi guys,
I've been thinking about a new tournament army for 2011. I wanted something that would offer me a different playstyle. Nowadays a lot of competitive armies tend to be mechanised, and although the contents of the transports may differ, they really don't add much variety. I love 5th ed. and have nothing against mech, but I wanted something different.
Brent over at Strictly Average has been playing Daemons for I think the past year on a tournament level. Anybody looking to start competitve Daemons should head over to his site. Daemons seem like a cool army. I did a test model, although the pic of him above is a bit bad, and I think I'm gonna go ahead and buy the rest of my 1750pts. army. Talking of lists, I'll finish this short post with my list. It was made using BattleScribe, a great free list maker, and I suggest you all give it a try. I even got so excited, that I added names for all the units :D . Happy New Year everyone!
1750pt Chaos Daemons 4th Ed (2008) Roster
Sons of the Void (1750pts Total)
HQ (440pts)
- Followers of Fate - Daemonic Herald(s) (220pts)
- Herald of Tzeentch (110pts)
Bolt of Tzeentch (30pts), Chariot of Tzeentch (15pts), Master of Sorcery (5pts), We are Legion (10pts)
- Herald of Tzeentch (110pts)
Bolt of Tzeentch (30pts), Chariot of Tzeentch (15pts), Master of Sorcery (5pts), We are Legion (10pts)
- Herald of Tzeentch (110pts)
- Weavers of Change - Daemonic Herald(s) (220pts)
- Herald of Tzeentch (110pts)
Bolt of Tzeentch (30pts), Chariot of Tzeentch (15pts), Master of Sorcery (5pts), We are Legion (10pts)
- Herald of Tzeentch (110pts)
Bolt of Tzeentch (30pts), Chariot of Tzeentch (15pts), Master of Sorcery (5pts), We are Legion (10pts)
- Herald of Tzeentch (110pts)
Elites (320pts)
- Beasts of the Void - Fiends of Slaanesh (160pts)
5x Fiend of Slaanesh (150pts), Unholy Might (10pts)
- Beasts of Destiny - Fiends of Slaanesh (160pts)
5x Fiend of Slaanesh (150pts), Unholy Might (10pts)
Troops (385pts)
- Changeling's Dissimulation - Horrors of Tzeentch (100pts)
Bolt of Tzeentch (10pts), Changeling (5pts), 5x Pink Horror (85pts)
- Dark Followers - Horrors of Tzeentch (95pts)
Bolt of Tzeentch (10pts), 5x Pink Horror (85pts)
- Terror of Vnark - Horrors of Tzeentch (95pts)
Bolt of Tzeentch (10pts), 5x Pink Horror (85pts)
- Sons of Tzeentch - Horrors of Tzeentch (95pts)
Bolt of Tzeentch (10pts), 5x Pink Horror (85pts)
Fast Attack (150pts)
- Dark Riders - Flesh Hounds of Khorne (150pts)
10x Flesh Hound (150pts)
Heavy Support (455pts)
- Doom of Terra - Daemon Prince of Chaos (150pts)
- Mark of Tzeentch (70pts)
Bolt of Tzeentch (35pts)
- Mark of Tzeentch (70pts)
- Xor the Destroyer - Daemon Prince of Chaos (150pts)
- Mark of Tzeentch (70pts)
Bolt of Tzeentch (35pts)
- Mark of Tzeentch (70pts)
- Vlad the Terror - Daemon Prince of Chaos (155pts)
Instrument of Chaos (5pts)
- Mark of Tzeentch (70pts)
Bolt of Tzeentch (35pts)
- Mark of Tzeentch (70pts)
Daemons is a cool army to play with, and a hard hitting one I guess with a quite different style of play to Tau or Space Marines.
ReplyDeleteI am too thinking of starting my second army at some point as my 1750 army is coming to completion within February.
I am currently going through the fluff of the new Dark Eldar, and I got to say I love their new minis.
I hope that by the time I am finishing my second army, I won't have any urges for a third one :P