FtW Bloggers Group

Friday, 13 August 2010

Novamarines painting progress

just a couple of bad photos of my Novamarines army, which I'm slowly painting up.
The Predator is missing it's lascannon sponsons. Also for those interested, my 1500 points army will include

Captain on bike

Command Squad on bikes

4 bikes + multimelta attack bike

4 bikes + multimelta attack bike

4 sniper scouts + missile launcher

4 sniper scouts + missile launcher

land speeder storm

land speeder storm

2 MM HF land speeders

autolas predator

autolas predator

The command squad will be kitted with storm shields, lightning claws and a power fist. The captain has the relic blade stormshield combo, and artificier armour. And finally the pics.

Monday, 9 August 2010

VIDEO: 1.5k Tau vs. Dark Angels

Here's my third game at the tourney I went to with my 1.5k Tau list. The list can be found here.
I enjoyed this game, although the fact that you couldn't take special characters at the tourney hurt my opponent. He was a loyal Dark Angels player however, and decided to keep with the outdated codex.

I'm sorry that it's been taking me some time to get through these videos.

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