FtW Bloggers Group

Monday, 21 May 2012

1.85k pseudo-wolves csm

This is a list I'd really like to try out. The list has a bullet magnet (the lash prince) to help your rhinos close in. In some matches you will want to play conservatively and maintain the threat of the lash. In most, you want to force your opponent to deal with the prince. What makes this somewhat as good as wolf grey hunter spam is the survivability of the plague marines and the ability to use the obliterators to help swing combats. With an old codex like csm all units need to be used to the maximum efficiency. Deathstars should be ganged with torrent but most other units can be dealt with plague marines + obliterators. That's why I would often consider deep striking the oblits next to the icons, to come in and melta stuff (or plasma what drops out) and then support in cc with fist attacks. Just make sure the plague marines are protecting the obliterators from any fists.

Daemon Prince with wings, mark of slaanesh, lash of submission @ 155pts.

7 Plague Marines with personal icon, two meltas, champion with combimelta and power fist @ 236pts.
Rhino with combi melta @ 45pts.

7 Plague Marines with personal icon, two meltas, champion with combimelta and power fist @ 236pts.
Rhino with combi melta @ 45pts.

7 Plague Marines with personal icon, two meltas, champion with combimelta and power fist @ 236pts.
Rhino with combi melta @ 45pts.

7 Plague Marines with personal icon, two meltas, champion with power fist @ 226pts.
Rhino with combi melta @ 45pts.

5 Lesser Daemons @ 65pts.

5 Lesser Daemons @ 65pts.

2 Obliterators @ 150pts.

2 Obliterators @ 150pts.

2 Obliterators @ 150pts.

Total @ 1849pts.

The Lesser Daemons are for cheap fearless scoring. In a scoring role, fearless is huge. Unfortunately, reserves can screw you in some games. 4+2 is still very good. Loads of melta everywhere. You'd rather fight your opponent demeched. Don't be afraid to fire your meltas at long range. Suppression is good if it helps you close in for the kill. With such resilient marine units (t5, fnp and fearless) you can really start with your infantry deployed to give cover to your vehicles. There's a lot of tricks and with an army like this all units need to work together to win. Would be a lot of fun.


  1. I've never really used power fists with the current codex. IMO 73 points for a model with 3+ save and 1 wound is just too much, even if it has T 4(5) and FNP. Also, your Prince won't survive for long with the amount of firepower most armies are fielding these days. I'd consider taking another Prince, ditching two Plague Champions and replacing the meltaguns of those squads with plasma guns, and if possible, pare down the squads to 5 models each, and fitting one more 5 man PM squad with a rhino in there. Also, in my opinion, deep striking your obliterators is bad. You lose too many rounds of effective shooting that way.

  2. Somehow I just feel the power fists are a must. Depends how you play. The idea with this list was to try and grind through close combats. The single prince is really mainly to draw fire. A lot of players will just use all their shooting to take that prince down on the first turn. That should protect your rhinos. In some cases lash might actually be crazy in a matchup, and in that case you certainly are at a disadvantage with just one prince (and not e.g. a sorceror). I just anticipate that in most matches the lash will be too impropable or not very effective. I wanted to try something different with this list.

    I haven't played it so I can't say whether deploying obliterators is actually better.6 lascannons a turn isn't that great and those power fists on the obliterators can really help win combats. In matchups where your opponent is gonna shoot you (and you'd like suppression) the obliterators are probably gonna get annihilated and are better off with the rest of your forces. Against armies that come to you, you can just deploy around the obliterators and wait for them to come at you. Nowadays there are a lot of grey hunter/ assault marine style units that really win combats with power fists. You better come packing more. We did toy around with other ideas for HS with HerraMauno the other day, but obliterators fill so many roles that I'm reluctant to drop them.

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  4. Yeah, I get that you're going for a melee heavy list here, but the Lash Prince is also close combat monster, and with wings he'll keep pace with your rhino squads. Lash also helps with melee, since you can move target units closer while you move those pesky enemy independent characters in those units to the end of the line, possibly denying them the chance to attack in melee while you clobber his unit to a pulp with your monstrous creature backed up by your trusty old plague marines.

  5. Yea, you're right. I just feel that with increased psydefence (and the need to hit) you'll rarely want to be reliant on the lash. Then again, dual lash takes a lot away from your troops. At the moment this is all just theory. I'd love to try this list out (possibly even at a tournament) but unfortunately etc stuff take up all my gaming time.


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