FtW Bloggers Group

Sunday, 5 February 2012

1850pts. Space Wolves list


Hi guys,
looks like there aren't any tournaments in my neighbourhood in the near future, so I probably need to start thinking about my Adepticon list. GKs are an absolute no. I wouldn't play Grey Knights at any Finnish tournament, so neither am I gonna play them in the US. Currently I'm thinking DE or SW. DE is more rock paper scissors, but I'm more of a DE player. SW are more flexible and interesting to play with, although I would probably need to start winning games with my wolves before going to adepticon :D .
Runepriest with jaws of the world wolf, living lightning @ 100pts.

Lone Wolf with TDA, powerfist, stormshield @ 80pts.

Lone Wolf with TDA, powerfist, stormshield @ 80pts.

5 Wolfguard with 4x combimelta and power fist, 1x cyclone @ 235pts.

10 Grey Hunters with flamer, melta, banner @ 160pts.

7 Grey Hunters with melta, banner @ 120pts.
Drop Pod @ 35pts.

7 Grey Hunters with melta, banner @ 120pts.
Rhino @ 35pts.

7 Grey Hunters with melta, banner @ 120pts.
Rhino @ 35pts.

5 Grey Hunters with flamer @ 75pts.

6 Long Fangs with 5 missiles @ 140pts.
Razorback with twin-linked lascannon @ 75pts.

6 Long Fangs with 5 missiles @ 140pts.
Rhino @ 35pts.

Land Raider Redeemer with multimelta, extra armour @ 265pts.

Total @ 1850pts.


  1. I'm not expert on the wolves, but single Land Raider strikes out of this list. Almost every competetive list has ability to take it out. Duality works fine, but I don't think you want to head that way with this list for Adepticon and over seas meta.

  2. Thx for the comment. This list began as a sort of "take as many toys as possible" list, or "pick n mix" like I'm calling it. This is also the sort of list that would be played at the etc in a defender role, trying to minimize bad matchups and have tools for as much as possible. The LR is really good in some matchups. However, this style of a list doesn't generally win by a large margin, fine in the adepticon format (where winning every game is enough to progress into the finals) but could be considered a disadvantage.

    The main reason why I'm considering this over the dark eldar is the fact that it is not such a rock paper scissors army as venomspam. I need to do some thinking, I've already got some modifications I'm considering, but I'm happy to announce I one my first SW game today!

    p.s. send me a message on sotavasara, if you're up for a game. I owe you that one game. Possibly before the winter break (this saturday e.g.) or then the week starting on 20.2..


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