FtW Bloggers Group

Thursday, 19 May 2011

Progress: Dark Eldar

So, at the start of the year I bought a pile of the new Dark Eldar vehicles. I had some old kabalite warriors and combined with new ones I've been building up an army. Here is a picture that I took at the FLGS. It doesn't include everything painted so far, but shows you the colour scheme I've decided to go with.

Finding a list is more problematic. I'm sure the Dark Eldar need patience and a good general, but me and some of the top gamers in Finland have been having trouble finding a list that would really work. I haven't tried portal lists or footdar (although I have been trying some lists on paper) but for a mech list, this is the 'best' I have come up with so far. If you have any ideas, experience or well anything, then leave a comment.

Haemonculus @ 50pts.

3 Trueborn with 2 lances @ 86pts.
Venom with 2x cannons @ 65pts.

3 Trueborn with 2 lances @ 86pts.
Venom with grisly trophies, 2x cannons @ 70pts.

3 Trueborn with 2 lances @ 86pts.
Venom with 2x cannons @ 65pts.

5 Warriors with blaster @ 60pts.
Venom with 2x cannons @ 65pts.

5 Warriors with blaster @ 60pts.
Venom with 2x cannons @ 65pts.

3 Wracks @ 30pts.
Venom with 2x cannons @ 65pts.

3 Wracks @ 30pts.
Venom with 2x cannons @ 65pts.

3 Wracks @ 30pts.
Venom with 2x cannons @ 65pts.

5 Scourgers with 2x haywire blasters @ 130pts.

5 Scourgers with 2x haywire blasters @ 130pts.

5 Scourgers with 2x haywire blasters @ 130pts.

Ravager @ 105pts.

Ravager @ 105pts.

Ravager @ 105pts.

Tuesday, 10 May 2011

Veni, Vidi.. Vici?

And hello again! Total flame going on from my part. Anyways, as promised, I'll be reporting from my tournament. It was quite small, as only 12 players managed to crawl/walk to our local gamestore. As mentioned, 3 rounds, and I can tell you, total carnage. I entered the fray with my Demons. My list was:



4 Crushers, full stuff

4 Crushers, Fury and instr.

5 Fiends, Might

3x5 Plaguebearers

2 Princes with MoT, Bolt

1 Prince with MoS, Pavane and Aura of Aquiscience

First game: Dawn of war, Capture & Control, Vs Tyranids

I hated the matchup as soon as I saw my opponents list. 2 tervigons, 2 units of gaunts, prime, 2 trygons, 7 genestealers, 3x2 hive guards, and warriors. Could be worse, for example, stealer horde, but still so many models.. Not at first glance but he really popped the wormcan with those tervigons, and gaunts flooded 1 table quarter. He went first, deployed some units, and divided his army into 2 blocks in the first turn. The objective-flank, flooded with gaunts and tervigons, and the offensive flank, holding everything else. I got the right wave, focused on his offensive flank confirming atleast 10 points to myself and wiped it on his 3rd, giving myself plenty of time to wipe the gaunts with my strong and fast-enough units. 20-0 win, wipeout. Killed over 150 models, and felt really good 'cos Tyranids definately aren't my favourite matchup.

Second game: Pitched Battle, Seize Ground, Vs. CSM

This time the matchup felt great. Gotta love marines, really, as Demons rarely struggle against anything they can offer. This was no exeption. Despite the fact I failed and got my second wave, total rolldown ensured. My opponent had a lashprince, a vindicator, 3 obliterators, a defiler, 3 units of 7 plaguemarines, 2x2 plasma and 1x2 melta, and 5 terminators. Semi-competetive list atleast. The "firepower" combined with some one-sided rolling crushed some of my units, and after that it was just a race against time for wipeout. The pic shows all he had at the end of 5th. And then the game ended. Shame, but objectives ensured me 17-3 win. Khorne was to be pleased next game..

..against Black Templars.
Third game: Spearhead, Annihlation, Vs. Black Templars

And marines. Love it. Always fun, final against marines. My opponent's list was your everyday regular BT gunline, massing on missiles and lascannons. 4 5-man plasma-lascannon squads with razorbacks(tl las), 5 terminators with 2 assault cannons and tank hunter, 5 terminators with 2 cyclones and tank hunter, marshall, EC, 3 lone speeders, the basics. Oh my, how can I handle this.. He castled up, and tried to pick my monsters out with shooting. I rolled the right wave and well.. it was a harvest. The tanks popped to my bolts and multicharges, and terminators were crushed (or should I say Crusher'd). After the 5th turn he had only 1 razorback with 5 initiates inside. The game ended, and kp's were 13-4. Devastating, and 20-0 win for the Demons.

..Vici. Chiching, 50e. So, I was like Banelings, Banelings Banelings oooooo ooo.. (check the previous post) -Toni

Wednesday, 4 May 2011

Meet the Martian(s)

(Everybody welcome Toni, a new guest writer for my blog. He is a true masochist, playing daemons at a competitive level. -Aleksi)

Hello folks! Greetings from Toni Salenius, nick Joo-o in various forums. As a gw I'm more than glad to do my bit for the blog and add diversity in form of my own views and goings. Thought about a debute article, and what would be better topic for a one than Demons of Chaos and an upcoming tournament!

As I started playing Demons a month back I'm still not so comfy with the as I'd be with some other armies. Still, their playstyle has struck me, and I feel pretty strong about them being my "main" army atleast for a while. I've already faced one bigger tournament with them, and finished right in the middle of the group. Could've done less mistakes, could've rolled the dice better, but that's the spirit of the game. Now, I'm rallying my forces for following Saturday, as there's a smaller tourney in our local gamestore. 3 games, 14 players, 2 objective and 1kp scenario. I have been putting an effort to bring my game up and fix my list, but haven't yet made a breakthrough. If I put this in, I lose that, and I need that too, but how about... Endless circle. Here are 2 final one's, limited by my models (and blindness? Prove me wrong):

4 Crushers: Fury, Icon, Instrument
4 Crushers: Fury, Instrument
5 Fiends: Might
3x5 Plaguebearers
2xDemon Prince: MoT, Bolt
Demon Prince: MoS, Pavane, AoA


3x4 Crushers: (2 units with Fury, Instrument, 1 unit with Fury, Icon)
3x5 Plaguebearers
2x Herald Of Tzeentch: MoS, Chariot, Bolt of Tzeentch
2xDemon Prince: MoT, Bolt, Gaze
Demon Prince: Mos, Pavane, AoA

What do you guys think? Which is better? Or a mixup? Bomb me with ideas. I'll be reporting how the tournament went and write some battlereports later on. Wish me luck! If I prevail I'll be like Banelings, Banelings, Banelings Ooo Ooo Ooooo.. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fzMhh8zhTiY -Aleksi)
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