Hi guys,
so this Easter I had a real blast. I decided to take the Storm Raven Grey Knight list out for a spin, I thought it would be cool to try something different and it was fresh off the painting station. I had speed painted the army in all the excitment, which would come to haunt me, but overall I liked the overall look of my army. It was themed as a radical inquisitor's force.
I ended up losing my first game 7-13, but then I rose winning the rest of the games 18-2,20-0,14-6 and 13-7. I ended up drawing 2nd place on battle points with another player. Paint scores were used as a tiebreaker and I dropped to 3/40. Here's just a quick breakdown of the games:
List:Librarian with shoruding, summoning, warprift, might of titan, servoskull @ 175pts.
Coteaz @ 100pts.
2 Paladins with 1 Daemonhammer @ 110pts.
2 Paladins with 1 Daemonhammer @ 110pts.
3 Acolytes with 3 meltaguns @ 42pts.
Razorback with psybolt ammunitions @ 50pts.
3 Acolytes with 3 meltaguns @ 42pts.
Razorback with psybolt ammunitions @ 50pts.
3 Acolytes @ 12pts.
Razorback with psybolt ammunitions @ 50pts.
3 Acolytes @ 12pts.
Razorback with psybolt ammunitions @ 50pts.
3 Acolytes @ 12pts.
Razorback with psybolt ammunitions @ 50pts.
5 Acolytes @ 20pts.
Razorback with psybolt ammunitions @ 50pts.
Storm Raven with twinlinked multimelta and twinlinked assault cannons @ 205pts.
Storm Raven with twinlinked multimelta and twinlinked assault cannons @ 205pts.
Dreadnought with 2x autocannons, psybolt ammo @ 135pts.
Dreadnought with 2x autocannons, psybolt ammo @ 135pts.
Dreadnought with 2x autocannons, psybolt ammo @ 135pts.
Total @ 1750pts.
Orks with 10 nob bikers and boss, 2x15 lootas, 20 boyz and battlewagon, 12 boyz and trukk and a squad of grots.
Mission was killpoints (that were halved) and table quarters. Both players allocated points for each quarter (3,2,2,1). Orks got first turn but Night Fight was on and so I deployed my ravens.
He boosted his nob bikers into my army and moved up with the trukk. Boyz and grots were in reserve. Due to spearhead deployment he had to put one squad of lootas in the BW because he couldn't fit both squads smartly. I destroyed the nob bikers but lost the libbie, coteaz and one squad of paladins. After that I made some mistakes with my dreads and the trukk boyz and 20-man mob (that arrived on t2) got locked in combat with the dreads in my quarter. I lost the second paladin squad so I had no counter CC to get rid of the boyz (boy I wish I had purifiers).
His lootas were on fire and he got a 9 killpoint lead! I ended up winning one quarter (2 points) and only lost the mission by 3 points, 7-13.
BA with single raven and raider. Killpoints and dawn of war. BA go first and move up slightly to my left. I come on in the opposite corner. He had one turn to unload his shooting into my ravens, which held and then it was downhill for him. He didn't have a lot of shooting and I knocked out most of it (along with the storm raven).
I gave no killpoints and won by seven, 18-2 victory.
Podding marines. He also had shrike with termies and a command squad. Modified capture and control with pitched battle deployment. He made me go first. Biker command squad deployed out of los, but the termies infiltrated into the middle of the board. My shooting whithers down the squad. His alphastrike takes out 3 razors. I use the paladins, breaking off the characters, to tie the meltasquads. His termies free up some squads and others break away from the paladins. It turns into a slug around the center of the board and my deployment zone.
The command squad is killed way too easily and I use a storm raven to airlift acolytes towards his objective. My shooting reduces his guys down and in the end I have both objectives. Tough game right up until the end. 20-0.
Orks. 2 battlewagons (one burna, one meganob), ghazy, kff, lootas, kannons, koptas and a trukk mob. 5 objectives+victory points (old etc format if any of you are familiar with it). I win the roll off.
Orks reserve and I move around to cover the board. Orks come in piece meal and although I do some screw ups the game goes fairly well. Paladins showed their worth in retrieving the 14 lootas. I manage to win objectives, but orks win victory points by a small margin. 14-6 win.
My favourite game. Against mech guard. special 4-objectives, pitched battle. I win the roll off and deploy aggressively. He deploys across the board but my servo skull forces his vendettas to scout move to the flanks to get cover saves (the other flank had a nice giant ruin making los more difficult for two vendettas). My ravens zoom up and destroy two chimeras. I shake two vendettas. His return fire wrecks a raven and dread. He also kills a pallie from the libbie's squad and weaken resolve passes forcing me to fall back out of good summoning range.
Melta acolytes mishap (one squad) coteaz goes for one chimera and the still full strength pallies go for another 2. My shooting wrecks a vendetta and shakes another one. One sneaky razor got side shots at the manticore, wrecking it. My CC wiff.
At this point the ravens are doing what they are supposed to. They clog up the midfield (he had 4 chimeras that never advanced more then 6'') and draw fire, buying time for my psyflemen to even the odds. His return fire kills the 2-man paladin group and makes the second raven a brick.
The rest of the game I wrecked most of his vehicles and pretty much got my acolytes onto objectives. A couple of failed ld-checks on the last turns meant that I didn't win big, and we were forced to end on t5 without rolling to continue (most likely it would have benefited me) but overall a very enjoyable and tense game.
For the first time I was playing at the top table in the final round, and it felt even better to win mech guard. 13-7 victory. So that brought me 3rd place due to tiebreakers. The tourney was won by another GK army (coteaz spam with purifiers and a termie squad) and a green tide snatched second place from me.
Thoughts on the list?
I was pleased to see that the list actually worked fairly well. It is true that in the last two games (which I played at the second and top tables) I won first turn, which with this list is huge. Still, I feel this list is fairly competitve. It isn't as well rounded as a more typical netlist, but it also adds enjoyment to the game when you have some special combo, and a little excitement compared to playing a mobile purely gunline list.
I'm trying to get the points to try out 2x5 purifiers instead of the paladins, but I can only really fit one purifier squad. Will try that anyway, because that should give me more tools to use (clensing flame, more attacks at full strength etc.).