Marshal with 4-man terminator command squad w/ 2 assault cannons
Emperors Champion
2x 5-man terminator squad w/ assault cannons
Ven. dread in drop pod w/multimelta
2x 5-man crusader squad in rhino
2x 5-man stormtrooper squad
Space Puppies:
Wolf Lord
Wolf Priest
Wolfguard /scattered into the GH squads
Lonewolf w/ 2 fenrisian wolves
8 Grey Hunters in rhino w/ lots of plasma
5 grey hunters in razorback w/ lots of plasma
10 grey hunters w/ lots of plasma
6 fenrisian wolves w/ cyberpuppy
6 skyclaws
5 longfangs w/ 2 plasmacannons, 2 heavy bolters
turn 1:
overhead is the deployment. We played with 5 objectives (hit-signs). Wolves had placed the long fangs in a nice ruin at the back of their zone, the fenrisian wolves and skyclaws were behind the main line of Grey Hunters. The Wolf priest was in the rhino (lefthand vehicle) and the wolflord was in the GH squad on foot. I forgot about the Lone-wolf he was by the hill.
I placed all my termie squads so that atleast half of them were in cover. The emperors champion was in the squad closest to the wolves. The rest of my army went in reserve.
The wolves kicked off the game by rushing my way. The skyclaws and fenrisians were circling around to the other flank at the back of the Wolves' table edge, with the razoeback moving infront of them. The lonewolf climbes the hill, while the rhino and GHs on foot head straight for the templars. The Longfangs realise that only one plasmacannon is in range, and that even he is just slightly to one of the assault cannon termies on the hill. His plasmacannon misses.
My command squad targets the lonewolf, killing his fenrisian pals. The rest fire at the closing rhino, only shaking it.
Turn 2:
The wolves keep moving forward. The skyclaws and fenrisians continue their flanking manouvre, while the razorback drives up to the objective and lets out the GH cargo. The longfangs shoulder their weapons and start moving down from the ruins.
My stormtroopers and one rhino arrive. The stortroopers run to the cover of the hill, and the rhino drives up behind the termies. My assault cannons target the razorback immobilising and shaking it.
Turn 3
The rhino drives up to the center objectives and the Grey hunters with wolfpriest disembark. The rapid fire at the termie squad without any characters attached, adn bring it down to the two assaukt cannons. The rest of the army keep redeploying/moving, and the skyclaws and fenrisians realise they are trapped, by the now immobile razorback, so much for a flanking manouvre!
My dread arrives via droppod and crashes in the center of the board, and the last rhino pushes up on my left flank. The rhino that arrived last turn drives up to hide behing the tower. The emperors champion switches to the termie squad that was just reduced to the assault cannons. My termies mass fire the grey hunters wittling it down to the wolf priest, power fist, wolfguard w/ frostblade and wulfen. The command squad shoots and kills the lone wolf. The emperors champion and the two termies charged the remaining GHs. The EC slew the wolfpriest, but took a hit to the head from the squad PF. The Frost blade wolf guard only did one wound, which was saved with the invulnerable, and the two termies proceded to hack the remaining GH. The consolidated 6" back to the line of termies.
Turn 4&5:
Forgot to make a pic of turn 4 :(
The wolf lord, and his retinue of grey hunters kept moving towards the templars, and the fenrisians and skyclaws piled behind the razorback. The small squad of Grey hunters holding the objective destroy the dreadnought with plasmafire.
I just pour fire into the Wolf Lord's squad bringing it down to five men.
The Grey Hunters with wolf lord decide to hide behind the rhino (still dont understand why). The longfangs finally take a shot, and manage to bring the terminator command squad down to just the power sword termie and marshal.
On my turn the rhino behind the tower makes a move for the wolf held objective firing smokes.
The two assault cannon termies shoot and assault the rhino, wrecking it. The other terminator squad and the two stormtrooper squads pour fire into the GHs behind the rhino, bringin it down to just the wolflord. My Marshal along with the terminator sergeant charge and finish off the wolf lord. It's 2-1 for the templars. We roll.... and it continues.
Turn 6: The skyclaws leap over the immobilised razorback and prepare to charge my rhino. The GHs behind them try to shoot it with plasma, but the old smoke launchers save me yet again. The skyclaws fail to hit the rhino in assault.
On my turn I tank shock my rhino onto the objective. My last full man termie squad charges the skyclaws and annihlates it.
Turn 7 was really me just mopping up.
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