Time for a post in which I analyse and try to explain my thinking behind this list I made. I've included some eyecandy for those more interested in modelling and painting, but this post will be dedicated to the more competitive gamers. The list draws from ideas from people like Kirby (Thunderbubble concept) and tries to make a gunline list that uses scoring THSS instead of craptastic tactical marines.
Originally when the new DA FAQ came out, after the inevitable ''ZOMG 30 THSS is awesome!'' I started looking at ''RazorAngels''. I found that it didn't scale up to 1750pts. because DA can only take a max of 3 individual typhoons (one per squadron) they couldn't get enough cheap firepower. After leaving the DA to dry for a while, here I am back with this concept.
Belial with thunder hammer, storm shield @ 130pts.
Dreadnought with twin-linked autocannon, missile launcher @ 135pts.
Dreadnought with twin-linked autocannon, missile launcher @ 135pts.
Deathwing Command Squad with 5x thunder hammers, stormshields, apothecary, cyclone missile launcher @ 265pts.
Deathwing Squad with 5x thunder hammers, storm shields, cyclone missile launcher @ 235pts.
Deathwing Squad with 5x thunder hammers, storm shields, cyclone missile launcher @ 235pts.
Land Speeder with multimelta, typhoon missile launcher @ 75pts.
Land Speeder with multimelta, typhoon missile launcher @ 75pts.
Land Speeder with multimelta, typhoon missile launcher @ 75pts.
Predator with lascannon sponsons @ 130pts.
Predator with lascannon sponsons @ 130pts.
Predator with lascannon sponsons @ 130pts.
Total @ 1750pts.
This is a gunline. Sit and shoot. In addition, I can move around with my scoring units and dreads and not lose firepower. I'll make a run down of this list unit by unit.
Belial He gives the scoring termies. Ok combat character, I think THSS is the best setup for him
dreads Relatively cheap firepower, only slightly more expensive when compared to other codices. Dreads can also tarpit enemy infantry if need be. All in all pretty flexible units.
termies cml and thss is the new norm. I don't really see a reason to mix in other weapon options. I want to maximise survivability. These units are my very survivable scoring units that can advance and maintain firepower. They are also pretty good in CC, and can counterattack enemies closing in. The termies can also form a ''Thunderbubble'' in e.g. kill point missions, a bubblewrap that is highly survivable and still packs a punch. My question really just is: apothecary or banner, what do you guys think?
speeders Cheapest typhoons in the game. They have multimeltas because they get them for free. Either hang back in cover and shoot missiles, or if opponent has an av14 raider bomb, I can reserve them and force him to stay back or risk a multimelta zooming in from the board edge.
predators Once again, almost as cheap as with the other codices. IMO the best fire support unit for a gunline from the DA HS slot.
All in all: I've tried to take cheap firepower and mesh it with deathwing troops. The army can sit back and ideally pour 14 missiles, 5 autocannons, 6 lascannons and 3 multimeltas into the enemy per turn. The troops are not deadweight like tactical marines and provide nice CC punch.