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Wednesday, 30 June 2010

CSM: Bolt of Change?

Count-as Thousand Sons, for my Nurgle Warband. Space Goats FTW! Click-it!

I´ve been experimenting with using the Tzeentch Bolt of Change power to boost the amount of enemy vehicles I can tackle with my CSM army, since 3 squads of Oblits are only gonna be hitting three tanks a turn, and they often would rather be shooting up infantry than transport vehicles. Now does anybody have personal experience or even just an opinion on the effectiveness of the power?

Basically str8 and ap1 is pretty nice, 24" being an ok range, although it pretty often will put you within psychic hood range, but the very best thing IMO is that it's assault 1. This way my sorcerers can cruise around in rhinos and still fire it. It also means that I don't need 10-man CSM squads to get that lascannon to pop tanks. Instead I can take 5 thousand sons and the bolt on the aspiring sorcerer.

Still there is a lot of psychic defense nowadays, and a sorcerer with a bolt of change weighs in at 155 points. Thousand Sons also aren't that survivable, and very fragile in squads of 5. What are your thoughts? In my opinion it is key to have that anti-tank power in the troops slots, since at 1500 and 1750 points I won't have a lot of points to spare on non-scoring units with the "mandantory" 9 oblits. Even if you don't give a damn about my power-gaming ranting, I have a pic of my converted count-as thousand sons for my nurgle warband.

Monday, 14 June 2010

I placed 3rd with my Tau this weekend....


It's taking a while for me to make video battle reports of the five games I played this weekend at a local tourney, so here is a hopefully not too long summary.

I started the day facing a mech guard army in annihilation. The scenario had a funky deployment set up, and I found my army crammed to the space of one ruin at the center of the board, with Ig firepower all around me. My broadsides went on a rampage blowing up chimeras left and right, and I won, taking 13 battlepoints out of a possible 20 that was awarded each round.

Next up was an Ork dread mob army. We had seize ground, but the armies deployed on the short table edges, 18'' in. I had a good first turn alphastrike, taking all his transports and a dread, but then everything started going downhill. It should probably be noted that the Ork player won the tournament, so he knew what he was doing. I lost and got 3 battlepoints.

Last game of day one, I played against a Dark Angel army. The player with the most troops within 6'' of the center of the table won the game. He had a pimped up 500 points termie squad with two characters, which deepstruck in my lines on turn one, did nothing and was blasted off the board by all my plasma fire. That left him with a couple of land raiders, an empty rhino and a vindicator. No problem, I win by wipe out. 20 points.

Second day I start against a Black Templar army with long range preds/dreads and two termie squads of doom with twin ass cannons. The table was divided into six sectors and we fought to hold them. I deployed first, evenly spread out, and he decided to pull a refused flank on me, concentrating most of his preds/dreads and both of his termie squads on my left flank. He stole the initiative and started blasting away, but I backed away to the right firing railguns into his long range stuff. I really didn't kill much in this game, but my devilfish came on from reserve, and with a very lucky turn six, I held 3 sectors to his 1. I win with 17 battlepoints.

Finally we are playing to kill our opponents most expensive HQ character, yeah there was a lot of funky missions, and I was against another IG army. My Tau managed to repel his offensive elements, but not without casualties, and my only hope of getting to his command squad, that was hiding at the back of the deployment zone out of sight, was my crisis suit team with one twin linked flamer, which I had left to deepstrike. They came on turn 5, hitting and wounding the commander. I just had to keep my own shas'el with full wounds and I would win. I did and got 17 battlepoints.

So I ended with 70 battlepoints and placed 3rd out of 23 players with 4 wins and 1 loss. I placed 3rd in best army, as they gave each army a score between 0-10. I had a real blast, and I'll be putting up those video battle reports, so that you'll get a real idea of what was going on in those missions, but I have to say the ethereal REALLY was worth it. He saved my units many times, and didn't die throughout the entire tournament, just had to make sure he had some fearless kroots or broadsides around him.

Friday, 11 June 2010

Painting Novamarines


just stuff I´ve been doing alongside my Tau. I found some old Land Speeder Storm conversions I had done, and decided to paint them up. Also there is a test biker for the army. The armylist is gonna be a hybrid biker list, I will put up the list in another post..

Why Novamarines? Well, I really like the color scheme, and the fluff fitted in pretty nice. They are a chapter that has not fought together for a couple of thousand years, since M37, so each company is very unique and independent of one another. I will be making the sixth company, since they are trained to fight on bikes.

Monday, 7 June 2010

battle pic

Just a quick picture I took testgaming my tau. I'll be going to a five game tournament next weekend, so I'm honing my skills. I snatched wipe out -victories from both the games I played on Sunday, so it is looking pretty good. The tournament will be the final test for my Ethereal theories. I may end up losing some games because of him, but over the course of the testgaming he has really been shining, his main uses being against shooty armies, where you run the risk of the battlesuits running off the battlefield because of their drones dying.

I'll take my video camera with me, and make a video report of the weekend.
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