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Tuesday, 23 February 2010

Necron Tomb Spyders Tactica

recently on one of the jawaballs and Fritz live shows Fritz said that tomb spyders are worthless. I've heard/read him say it before, and I thought it was about time I share my thoughts.

Yes the tomb spyder isnt the CC monster you might hope for, and speed bumping with one is risky, but in an army where everything is overcosted (well maybe minus the monolith) 55 points for a "regenerating" t6 monstrous creature is really good.

Basic theory:

I think everybody knows that when using a tomb spyder u wanna make one scarab swarm and place that in cover, giving the tomb spyder a cover save, but maintaining the t6. This way the tomb spyders can potentially take a lot of ranged damage. This is where the tomb spyder is at
it's best. JUst make sure the tomb spyder is outside the 24" bubble. This way he'll probably be shooting 1-2 shots per squad at them, and you can stack wounds on the scarab.

Whenever I play with my 1500 points list, people really tend to concentrate fire on them. This is good since my army is very fragile at 1500 points and I want the deciever up and running. You could say that the tomb spyder is more of a terror tactic than an actual asset. "Woah you have a 55 point s6 t6 monstrous creature... oh neat he has his own regenerating tyrant guard".

When you need to hold you're opponent back for a turn feeding him tomb spyders is going to be a lot cheaper than any lords/warrior groups etc. 55 points really is cheap.

Extra monolith portal

Also another use (although a lot trickier) is using the rule, which allows you to place the warriors from wbb anywhere on the table, if there is no unit within 6". Say you deploy one squad of warriors on you're left flank, when you're main capstone formation is on your right. A smart player will first target the tomb spyder 12" away from the warriors, but in that case you can always use the portal, or hide the spyder. However if he decides to alphastrike the warriors, there's nothing sweeter than the look on your opponents face when he realises he was actually doing you a favour, letting you move all those precious phase out numbers right back into the heart of the cap stone formation.

If you are running destroyer groups, and they always get shot to pieces before you can wbb, try buying tomb spyders to go along with them. The tomb spyders attract fire and when a destroyer squad is completely wiped out they can use the tomb spyder to switch to your other destroyer group.

How have I used them in my army:

Although the tomb spyders are tricky, I really think they are more than the 55 point investment. I have to admit, although I've taken a lot of ideas from Fritz and his tactics, my own 1500 point army, has lost some of the main elements found in Fritz's builds. Destroyers replace by scarab swarms etc.. It has less firepower, but careful use of the monolith crystal and the deciever give you surprising lot of anti tank and infantry capability. This is why I have grown a need for tomb spyders, they add some much needed speed bumps and fire magnets, further protecting my warrior core. That is also why I have a destroyer lord, even though I have no destroyers. The increased mobility allows me to tie units up and I often use him in synergy with one of the tombspyders. Two t6 monsters is a lot harder, especially when one of them will just come back up again on a 4+.

There it is all bunched up in a couple of words (I've never been such a good writer) hope you guys can make sense out of it.

My 1500 points list




Destroyer body 30

Ressurection Orb 40

Warscythe 10

phylactery 15

chronometron 10


10 Necron Warriors 180


10 Necron Warriors 180


10 Necron Warriors 180


3 Scarabs


3 Scarabs


3 Scarabs




2 Tomb Spyder

particle projector 0


Total: 1498

Sunday, 14 February 2010

Weekend Tournament

Yesterday I attended a small one day tournament and played 3 games. I won 2 and lost 1 game ending 4th overall. I had a real blast.

Game 1:

I played against a really good Mechdar army. The mission was holding table quarters, but it didnt really matter. He had a couple of fire dragon squads, small council, 3 3-man jetbike squads, two lone vypers and 3 2-man squads of warwalkers. His army could pump out over 70 s6 shots a turn. He was fully entitled to his win.

Game 2: Killpoints.

The good ting in being tabled is that the next game is always ridiculously easy. This was no exception. I paired up against a marine army, that was clearly built from whatever models he had.

If it wasn't for my wraithlord failing his wraithsight and failing to bog down a squad of assault terminators (they can't wound him) I would have gotten full 20 points. The assault terminators however got 2 killpoints off me and the final killpoints difference was 4. I got 17 out of 20 points.

Game 3: 3 objectives.

This was my first game against a competitive nid list from the new book. He didnt have a tervigon, but he did have two trygon primarises. He also had a flyrant, two squads of Ymgarl Genestealers, three squads of Gaunts, 2 zoanthropes in a myscetic spore and a squad of warriors.

I didnt actually realise that I was going to table him until the last turns. Luckily the trygons came one at a time. The Genestealers and one trygon came on turn two. I baited one of the Ymgarl Genestealers by giving them a very juicy pathfinder squad in area terrain. He probably thought I was an idiot. His genestealers came and killed the pathfinders, only to be flamed and charged by one of my wraithlords.

I shot at the trygon and finished him off with my avatar. The second Ymgarl unit charged my avatar later and were killed by him. When the second trygon came I was ready and charged him with both my banshees and the avatar. I doomed him and managed to take him down.

In the end my avatar had killed 2 trygon primarises and a squad of super genestealers, but he died to spinegaunts...

My monstrous creatures really carried me through this game, meating the genestealers and monstrous creatures head on. Even the Flyrant didnt stand a chance against my wraithlord. I won 20-0

Friday, 12 February 2010

New revised 1500 points list

I got some pretty good feedback from a couple of forums, that I posted my list on. Mainly get more models and get more troops. Since I happened to have a converted Avatar model lying around I encorporated him into the list. This is transforming more and more into elfzilla.

Avatar and Wraithlords charge together causing panic and confusion. The banshees and farseer go in the falcon to charge out at scoring unit or easy killpoints. Harlequins give the dire avengers modile cover and a counter assault element. Pathfinders sit on objectives. jetbikes go in reserve and arrive to hold or contest objectives. In killpoints the jetbikes will be pretty worthless, but maybe I can use them to lure my opponent into making mistakes, like deploying them stranded on one flank and then turbo-boosting them on turn one behind cover where my main army is, hopefully leaving some enemy units useless.



Farseer@175pts. Runes of warding and witnessing, spirit stones, doom, fortune guide

5 harlequins@140pts. 5 kisses, shadowseer

5 Howling Banshees@107pts. Exarch w/ mirrorswords, acrobatic

8 dire avengers@138pts. Exarch w/ power weapon and shimmershield, blade storm

5 pathfinders@120pts

5 pathfinders@120pts.

3 Guardian Jetbikes@66pts.

Falcon@215pts. Eldar missile launcher, spirit stones, star engines, vectored engines, holo fields

Wraithlord@130pts. Brightlance, 2 flamers

Wraithlord@130pts. Brightlance, 2 flamers

Total: 1496

Wednesday, 10 February 2010

Eldars 1.5k List

Autarch@155pts. Jetbike mandiblasters, laser lance reaper launcher.

Farseer@175pts. Runes of warding and witnessing, spirit stones, doom, fortune guide

5 harlequins@140pts. 5 kisses, shadowseer

5 dire avengers@97pts. Exarch w/ dire sword and shuriken pistol, blade storm

5 pathfinders@120pts

5 pathfinders@120pts.

4 shining spears@217pts. Exarch w/ starlance, shuriken cannon, withdraw, skilled riders

Falcon@215pts. Eldar missile launcher, spirit stones, star engines, vectored engines, holo fields

Wraithlord@130pts. Brightlance, 2 flamers

Wraithlord@130pts. Brightlance, 2 flamers

Below is a picture of how I would deploy the army. Autarch+shining spears in reserve, farseer and avengers in the falcon and the wraithlords will charge forward and tie enemies in combat somewhere around midfield. Also I'm hoping they will take high strength shots, preserving the falcon towards the end game, where star engines will kick in. Harlies are in the far right corner protecting the pathfinder unit and ready to move out to objectives or enemies that might be on the right flank. You can click on the pic and it will enlargen

Tuesday, 9 February 2010

1.5k Eldar army

Hi guys,
finally finished work on my eldar army. Here are a couple of pics. Click em and you can see the whole pic.
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