FtW Bloggers Group

Sunday, 12 April 2009

1500 points Mech Black Templars

Here is my finished mechanised Black Templar army that I made for the Finnish GT. I gathered tactics and ideas from Jawaballs and from the dozen testgames I played and this is the finished product. It has 3 small basic squads in rhinos, a command squad with outflank to distract my opponent or kill the scoring unit from a base objective that the opponent thought was safe (denying him an objective). For firesupport I have a ven dread with las, missile and tank hunters, a predator destructor and 2 land speeder typhoons. The army is small, but it wasnt a big problem in the games I played, you just cant get tied up in major assaults, instead try to snatch objectives and go for easy kills. I'll be posting some of my tactics and things that I'd do better in my army. But for now I'll just show the pics.

Saturday, 11 April 2009

Enginseer, emperors champion and marshal

I just made this commission enginseer, an emperors champion based on sicarius and a converted Marshal, so I thought I'd put it on here aswell. Enjoy!
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